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Year 1 Issue 11 |
2015-08-17 |
Assembling the list for this week's issues has been very hard. Never before I had seen such a number of interesting projects, both trending and new. I tried to favour variety, and I feel like apologizing to the projects that haven't been highlighted, and their authors, so please have a careful look at the "Other Interesting Projects" at the bottom. Enjoy!
Language: Objective-C
Here it is. The long awaited native SDK for Parse. Not there are no excuses left not to give it a go on your next project.
Also note the amazing title of the first commit: (っ˘▽˘)っ ☁️ ⊂(◕。◕⊂)
Checkout ParseUI-iOS for a collection of a handy user interface components to be used with the SDK.
Language: Swift
Some commonly used data structures implemented in Swift. In particular Deque, Stack, List and Trie. Very instructive project.
Language: Objective-C
An handy IBDesignable
view with configurable and toggable corner radius.
(Yet another) Swift JSON parser. Decodable is written in Swift 2, and has a nice API:
truct Repository {
let name: String
let language: String?
let owner: User // Struct conforming to Decodable
let defaultBranch: Branch // Struct NOT conforming to Decodable
extension Repository: Decodable {
static func decode(j: AnyObject) throws -> Repository {
return try Repository(
name: j => "name",
language: j => "language",
owner: j => "owner",
defaultBranch: Branch(name: j => "default_branch")
Of particularly interest the provided error type:
public enum DecodingError {
public struct Info {
var path: [String]
var object: AnyObject?
var rootObject: AnyObject? // Not implemented yet
case MissingKey(key: String, info: Info)
case TypeMismatch(type: Any.Type, info: Info)
The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. This is a keyboard to help you test your app from your iOS device.
This is definitely a tool to keep in mind for the pre-release polishing stage.
An animated pull to refresh component, with a bouncy effect. A very good idea to add a playful touch to your lists.
Language: Swift
A lightweight GDC wrapper. Look at this neat syntax:
// Create a concurrent queue
let queue = Queue("Concurrent", .Concurrent)
// asynchronously
queue.async {
data = true
queue.apply(0.3) {
// run after 0.3 seconds
// It handle semaphores too
let queue = Queue("sample")
let semaphore = Semaphore(0)
queue.after(1.0) {
print "Hello"
semaphore.wait // -> true
Language: Objective-C
Penny Pincher is a fast template-based gesture recognizer, developed by Eugene Taranta and Joseph LaViola. The demo below explains what this library does better that I could:
Language: Swift
Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift, written by Mattt the author of AFNetworking and another bazillion of great libraries and tools.
Language: Objective-C
Actor is an instant messaging platform, and this is the code for the iOS client.
- Hermes in app notification framework, by Imgur.
- NgKeyboardTracker library for tracking keyboard position and events in iOS apps.
- WZLBadge A one line tool to display badges of different types on any
. - PFSystemKit An OS X framework to get information about the hardware the application is running on.
- Keys Uncomplicated cryptography frameworks base on CommonCrypto.
- CKWaveCollectionViewTransition Still hot from two weeks ago this is a custom transition between two or more
with wave like cell animation. - ZOZolaZoomTransition Zoom transition that animates the entire view hierarchy.
- fmdb A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite.
- toucan clean, quick API for processing images. It greatly simplifies the production of images, supporting resizing, cropping and stylizing your images.
Just one more project to plug before leaving:
Language: Objective-C
It really is lovely! 😍