layout | title | date |
post |
Year 1 Issue 23 |
2015-11-09 |
Library to manage application preferences in an easy an powerful way, and elegant as well since it is based on protocols. Not only you can read an write preferences, but also apply operators, like +=
in place, and composing different preferences origins together. The list of supported preferences includes NSUserDefaults
, NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore
, Plist files, and NSManageObject
as well.
Framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers, adopting Swift 2's throw
do {
let phoneNumber = try PhoneNumber(rawNumber:"+33 6 89 017383")
let phoneNumberCustomDefaultRegion = try PhoneNumber(rawNumber: "+44 20 7031 3000", region: "GB")
catch {
print("Generic parser error")
It is inspired by Google's libphonenumber, and the tests suite runs against the same example numbers.
Library to synchronize NSUserDefaults
over iCloud. It allows sync of all the values, or only specific ones, and monitoring of values in the background to sync them as they change.
Zephyr.sync(["MyFirstKey", "MySecondKey"])
Zephyr.addKeysToBeMonitored(["MyFirstKey", "MySecondKey"])
We all inevitably ship bugs from time to time and the last thing you want is waiting to push a new version to the app store. let’s you hot patch bugs in real time, without having to submit a new build, and without breaking Apple's regulations. What I really like about is how open they are regarding how their SDK works, and how clever their approach is. Try out for free today and tell them The iOS Times sent you.
A text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text, with a rich feature set. Did you get the pun? 😛It is build on top of CoreText, and some of the possible things are async text layout rendering, markdown and emoji parsing (:cool:), text inner and outer shadows, and text attachments including gif rendering. Have a look at the README to see the full list of what YYText has to offer.
For the same author of the project above, an asynchronous image loading library, claiming to be an improved replacement for SDWebImage, PINRemoteImage and FLAnimatedImage. It comes with its own cache support, can decode WebP, APNG, and GIF, displays a blurred low res version of the image while fetching it, has the usual UIImageView
category, and much more.
and IBInspectable
view that renders stars for ratings.
A set of views that can be used in Interface Builder to visually build forms. The library doesn't stop at the visual part, but also provides validators, formatters, and other form util classes that can be dropped in IB and connected with the fields.
There is a rich choice of form fields, as you'll see in the README.
A library to prompt the user for review (if you really thing that's a good idea), for both iOS and OS X, written in Swift, with closure callbacks, and supporting iTunes affiliate codes. The README has a very comprehensive documentation of what this library does.
From the README: This Xcode plugin disables the Fix Issue functionality in Xcode. This way, none of your team members can click this button by mistake and might end up revoking existing certificates and provisioning profiles. That's a great idea, the tricky part will be making your team mates install the plug-in on their machines 😶
An HTTP server written in Swift 2 with on Foundation
Simon Gladman aka FlexMonkey is back with another details tutorial post with companion demo app, this time showing how to achieve smother drawing in iOS apps using Hermite Spline Interpolation.
- SwiftGen A collection of Swift tools to generate Swift code (enums for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, …)
- Koloda KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- SCTrelloNavigation An iOS native implementation of a Trello Animated Navigation.
- Caramel A portable I/O framework for Swift
- BackchannelSDK-iOS The official iOS SDK for Backchannel.