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File metadata and controls

117 lines (108 loc) · 5.24 KB


This project provides the ability to train and utilize the Mask R-CNN algorithm for instance segmentation, using an implementation provided by Matterport.


We assume a Linux development environment running on Ubuntu 18.04.

  1. Install CUDA:
    $ wget
    $ sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600
    $ sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb /"
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get -y install cuda
  2. Install cuDNN:
    1. Login to the NVIDIA Developer Network
    2. Download the cuDNN Runtime Library for Ubuntu18.04
    $ sudo apt install ./libcudnn7_7.6.5.32-1+cuda10.2_amd64.deb
  3. Install OpenCV:
    $ sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python3-opencv

Python Environment

  1. Create a new Python virtual environment:
    $ conda config --add channels conda-forge
    $ conda create -n mrcnn python=3 --yes
    $ conda activate mrcnn
  2. Get the Mask R-CNN implementation and install the dependencies:
    $ git clone
    $ cd Mask_RCNN/
    $ python install
  3. Install additional libraries we'll use in our project (assumes that conda-forge is the primary channel):
    $ for pkg in opencv imutils imgaug tensorflow=1.13 keras=2.2.3
    > do
    > conda install $pkg --yes
    > done
  4. Verify the installation:
    $ python
    >>> import mrcnn
    >>> import cv2
    >>> import imutils
  5. Get the Mask R-CNN model file that has been trained on COCO dataset, which will be used as the basis of our custom trained model:
    $ cd
    $ mkdir mrcnn
    $ cd mrcnn
    $ export MRCNN=`pwd`
    $ wget

Training Dataset

Acquire a dataset of images and corresponding object segmentation masks. This project currently supports two dataset scenarios: 1) a dataset with a directory of image files and a corresponding directory of mask image files matching to each image file, and 2) a dataset with a directory of image files and an annotations JSON file created by the VGG Image Annotator tool. In order to validate a dataset with masks defined via the VIA tool we can use the Jupyter notebook notebook/inspect_dataset_via.ipynb.

A good dataset to use that includes image mask files is the ISIC 2018 Skin Lesion Analysis Dataset, and is appropriate for use with the first scenario mentioned above.

Support is planned for datasets pulled from Google's
OpenImages dataset, which includes images with segmentation regions annotated in CSV format.


A training script is provided for training the model using the two supported dataset scenarios described above.

Usage with masks:
$ python maskrcnn/ --images /data/lesions/images --masks /data/lesions/masks \
    --masks_suffix _segmentation.png --pretrained ${MRCNN}/mask_rcnn_coco.h5 \
    --output ${MRCNN}/output --classes /data/lesions/class_labels.txt \
    --epochs 50 --train_split 0.8

The above assumes a dataset with image files in JPG format with *.jpg extensions in the directory /data/lesions/images and corresponding mask files in PNG format with *.png extensions in the directory /data/lesions/masks. The mask files should share the file ID (file name minus the ".jpg" extension) of the corresponding image file, with the mask file name composed of the file ID plus the masks_suffix argument. For example if the image file is "abc.jpg" and the masks_suffix argument is "_segmentation.png" then the mask file is expected to be named "abc_segmentation.png". We also expect to have a class labels file with one label per line in order to tell the model which classes are being mapped to class IDs, with the first class label line corresponding to class ID 1, the second to class ID 2, etc.

Usage with a VIA annotations JSON file:
$ python maskrcnn/ --images /data/lesions/images \
    --viajson /data/lesions/via_annotations.json \
    --pretrained ${MRCNN}/mask_rcnn_coco.h5 \
    --output ${MRCNN}/output --classes /data/lesions/class_labels.txt \
    --epochs 50 --train_split 0.8


The basis of this project is the original code found in Deep Learning for Computer Vision by Dr. Adrian Rosebrock.