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Convex Liquidity Vaults

Provide liquidity to Convex pools.


Convex Vault for 3Pool-based Curve Metapools (3Crv)

Vaults that deposit into a Curve 3Pool (3Crv) based Metapool before depositing the LP token into a Convex pool.

  • Convex3CrvAbstractVault abstract ERC-4626 vault with a 3pool (3Crv) asset invested in a Curve Metapool, deposited in a Convex pool and then staked.
  • Convex3CrvBasicVault basic implementation of Convex3CrvAbstractVault used for testing purposes.
  • Convex3CrvLiquidatorVault ERC-4626 vault that deposits Curve 3Pool LP tokens (3Crv) in a Curve Metapool, eg musd3Crv; deposits the Metapool LP token in Convex; and stakes the Convex LP tokens, eg cvxmusd3Crv, in Convex for CRV and CVX rewards. The Convex rewards are swapped for a Curve 3Pool token, eg DAI, USDC or USDT, using the Liquidator module and donated back to the vault. On donation back to the vault, the DAI, USDC or USDT is deposited into the underlying Curve Metapool; the Curve Metapool LP token is deposited into the corresponding Convex pool and the Convex LP token staked.

Convex Vault for FRAX-based Curve Metapools (crvFRAX)

Vaults that deposit into a Curve USDC/FRAX (crvFRAX) based Metapool before depositing the LP token into a Convex pool.

  • ConvexFraxBpAbstractVault abstract ERC-4626 vault with a Frax base-pool (crvFRAX) asset invested in a Curve Metapool, deposited in a Convex pool and then staked.
  • ConvexFraxBpBasicVault basic implementation of ConvexFraxBpAbstractVault used for testing purposes.
  • ConvexFraxBpLiquidatorVault ERC-4626 vault that deposits Curve FraxBP LP tokens (crvFRAX) in a Curve Metapool; deposits the Metapool LP token in Convex; and stakes the Convex LP tokens in Convex for CRV and CVX rewards. The Convex rewards are swapped for a Curve FraxBP token, eg USDC or FRAX, using the Liquidator module and donated back to the vault. On donation back to the vault, the USDC or FRAX is deposited into the underlying Curve Metapool; the Curve Metapool LP token is deposited into the corresponding Convex pool and the Convex LP token staked.



This covers the Convex3CrvLiquidatorVault and ConvexFraxBpLiquidatorVault vaults.

  • ERC-4626 compliant tokenized vault.
  • ERC-20 compliant token.
  • Invests 3Crv assets in a Curve Metapool and LP token staked in Convex for boosted returns.
  • Sandwich attack protection on ERC4626 operations deposit, mint, withdraw and redeem.
  • Liquidation of Convex rewards like CRV and CVX for more reinvested 3Crv assets.
  • Front-running protection against liquidation of rewards by streaming the increase in assets per share.
  • Fee charged on liquidated Convex rewards.
  • Vault operations are pausable by the Governor.
  • Emergency asset recovery by the Governor.
  • Vault configuration is controlled by a protocol Governor. This includes:
    • Setting the slippage limits for mint, deposit, redeem and withdraw.
    • Setting the account that receives the liquidation fee.
  • One week time delay for proxy upgrades by the Governor.

See Trusted Accounts for more information about the Governor.


Convex Vault for 3Pool-based Curve Metapools (3Crv)

Convex3CrvLiquidatorVault hierarchy

Convex 3Crv Liquidator Vault Hierarchy

Convex3CrvLiquidatorVault contract

Convex 3Crv Liquidator Vault

Convex3CrvLiquidatorVault storage

Convex 3Crv Liquidator Vault Storage

Convex3CrvAbstractVault contract

Convex 3Crv Abstract Vault


Curve 3Pool (3Crv) based Metapools

The following processes are for the 3Pool-based vaults but the FRAX-based vaults functionally work the same.

Total Assets

Get the total assets (3Crv) in Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Uses the Curve 3Pool and Metapool virtual prices to calculate the value of the vault's assets (3Crv) from the staked Metapool LP tokens in the Convex pool, eg cvxmusd3Crv. This does not include slippage or fees.

Get total assets

Preview Deposit

Shareholder previews the number of shares returned from a deposit of assets (3Crv) in a Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Preview Deposit assets

Deposit Assets

Shareholder deposits assets (3Crv) in a Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Deposit assets

Preview Mint

Shareholder previews the number of assets (3Crv) required to deposit for an amount of vault share from a Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Preview Mint

Mint shares

Shareholder mints vault shares in exchange for assets (3Crv) in a Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Mint shares

Redeem shares

Shareholder redeems vault shares in exchange for assets (3Crv) from a Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Redeem shares

Preview Redeem

Shareholder previews the number of assets (3Crv) that will be received from redeeming an amount of vault share from a Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Preview Redeem

Withdraw assets

Shareholder withdraws assets (3Crv) in exchange for redeeming vault shares from a Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Withdraw assets

Preview Withdraw

Shareholder previews the number of vault shares that will be burnt for withdrawing assets (3Crv) from a Convex3CrvAbstractVault.

Preview Withdraw


Fork tests

export NODE_URL=your provider url
yarn test:file:fork ./test-fork/vault/Convex3CrvBasicVault.spec.ts
yarn test:file:fork ./test-fork/vault/Convex3CrvLiquidatorVault.spec.ts
yarn test:file:fork ./test-fork/vault/ConvexFraxBpLiquidatorVault.spec.ts