In this section we are going to introduce the basic concepts underlying gradient descent. Although it is rarely used directly in deep learning, an understanding of gradient descent is key to understanding stochastic gradient descent algorithms. For instance, the optimization problem might diverge due to an overly large learning rate. This phenomenon can already be seen in gradient descent. Likewise, preconditioning is a common technique in gradient descent and carries over to more advanced algorithms. Let us start with a simple special case.
Gradient descent in one dimension is an excellent example to explain why the gradient descent algorithm may reduce the value of the objective function. Consider some continuously differentiable real-valued function
That is, in first-order approximation
If the derivative
This means that, if we use
to iterate
For simplicity we choose the objective function
%matplotlib inline
from d2l import mxnet as d2l
from mxnet import np, npx
#@tab pytorch
%matplotlib inline
from d2l import torch as d2l
import numpy as np
import torch
#@tab tensorflow
%matplotlib inline
from d2l import tensorflow as d2l
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
#@tab all
def f(x): # Objective function
return x ** 2
def f_grad(x): # Gradient (derivative) of the objective function
return 2 * x
Next, we use
#@tab all
def gd(eta, f_grad):
x = 10.0
results = [x]
for i in range(10):
x -= eta * f_grad(x)
print(f'epoch 10, x: {x:f}')
return results
results = gd(0.2, f_grad)
The progress of optimizing over
#@tab all
def show_trace(results, f):
n = max(abs(min(results)), abs(max(results)))
f_line = d2l.arange(-n, n, 0.01)
d2l.plot([f_line, results], [[f(x) for x in f_line], [
f(x) for x in results]], 'x', 'f(x)', fmts=['-', '-o'])
show_trace(results, f)
The learning rate
#@tab all
show_trace(gd(0.05, f_grad), f)
Conversely, if we use an excessively high learning rate, gd-taylor-2
might become significant. In this case, we cannot guarantee that the iteration of
#@tab all
show_trace(gd(1.1, f_grad), f)
To illustrate what happens for nonconvex functions consider the case of
#@tab all
c = d2l.tensor(0.15 * np.pi)
def f(x): # Objective function
return x * d2l.cos(c * x)
def f_grad(x): # Gradient of the objective function
return d2l.cos(c * x) - c * x * d2l.sin(c * x)
show_trace(gd(2, f_grad), f)
Now that we have a better intuition of the univariate case, let us consider the situation where
Each partial derivative element
In other words, up to second-order terms in
To see how the algorithm behaves in practice let us construct an objective function
To begin with, we need two more helper functions. The first uses an update function and applies it 20 times to the initial value. The second helper visualizes the trajectory of
#@tab all
def train_2d(trainer, steps=20, f_grad=None): #@save
"""Optimize a 2D objective function with a customized trainer."""
# `s1` and `s2` are internal state variables that will be used later
x1, x2, s1, s2 = -5, -2, 0, 0
results = [(x1, x2)]
for i in range(steps):
if f_grad:
x1, x2, s1, s2 = trainer(x1, x2, s1, s2, f_grad)
x1, x2, s1, s2 = trainer(x1, x2, s1, s2)
results.append((x1, x2))
print(f'epoch {i + 1}, x1: {float(x1):f}, x2: {float(x2):f}')
return results
def show_trace_2d(f, results): #@save
"""Show the trace of 2D variables during optimization."""
d2l.plt.plot(*zip(*results), '-o', color='#ff7f0e')
x1, x2 = d2l.meshgrid(d2l.arange(-5.5, 1.0, 0.1),
d2l.arange(-3.0, 1.0, 0.1))
d2l.plt.contour(x1, x2, f(x1, x2), colors='#1f77b4')
Next, we observe the trajectory of the optimization variable
#@tab all
def f_2d(x1, x2): # Objective function
return x1 ** 2 + 2 * x2 ** 2
def f_2d_grad(x1, x2): # Gradient of the objective function
return (2 * x1, 4 * x2)
def gd_2d(x1, x2, s1, s2, f_grad):
g1, g2 = f_grad(x1, x2)
return (x1 - eta * g1, x2 - eta * g2, 0, 0)
eta = 0.1
show_trace_2d(f_2d, train_2d(gd_2d, f_grad=f_2d_grad))
As we could see in :numref:subsec_gd-learningrate
, getting the learning rate
Reviewing the Taylor expansion of some function
To avoid cumbersome notation we define
After all, the minimum of subsec_calculus-grad
by taking derivatives of :eqref:gd-hot-taylor
with regard to
That is, we need to invert the Hessian
As a simple example, for
Let us see what happens in other problems.
Given a convex hyperbolic cosine function
#@tab all
c = d2l.tensor(0.5)
def f(x): # Objective function
return d2l.cosh(c * x)
def f_grad(x): # Gradient of the objective function
return c * d2l.sinh(c * x)
def f_hess(x): # Hessian of the objective function
return c**2 * d2l.cosh(c * x)
def newton(eta=1):
x = 10.0
results = [x]
for i in range(10):
x -= eta * f_grad(x) / f_hess(x)
print('epoch 10, x:', x)
return results
show_trace(newton(), f)
Now let us consider a nonconvex function, such as
#@tab all
c = d2l.tensor(0.15 * np.pi)
def f(x): # Objective function
return x * d2l.cos(c * x)
def f_grad(x): # Gradient of the objective function
return d2l.cos(c * x) - c * x * d2l.sin(c * x)
def f_hess(x): # Hessian of the objective function
return - 2 * c * d2l.sin(c * x) - x * c**2 * d2l.cos(c * x)
show_trace(newton(), f)
This went spectacularly wrong. How can we fix it? One way would be to "fix" the Hessian by taking its absolute value instead. Another strategy is to bring back the learning rate. This seems to defeat the purpose, but not quite. Having second-order information allows us to be cautious whenever the curvature is large and to take longer steps whenever the objective function is flatter.
Let us see how this works with a slightly smaller learning rate, say
#@tab all
show_trace(newton(0.5), f)
We only analyze the convergence rate of Newton's method for some convex and three times differentiable objective function
Denote by
which holds for some
Recall that we have the update
Consequently, whenever we are in a region of bounded
As an aside, optimization researchers call this linear convergence, whereas a condition such as
Quite unsurprisingly computing and storing the full Hessian is very expensive. It is thus desirable to find alternatives. One way to improve matters is preconditioning. It avoids computing the Hessian in its entirety but only computes the diagonal entries. This leads to update algorithms of the form
While this is not quite as good as the full Newton's method, it is still much better than not using it.
To see why this might be a good idea consider a situation where one variable denotes height in millimeters and the other one denotes height in kilometers. Assuming that for both the natural scale is in meters, we have a terrible mismatch in parameterizations. Fortunately, using preconditioning removes this. Effectively preconditioning with gradient descent amounts to selecting a different learning rate for each variable (coordinate of vector
One of the key problems in gradient descent is that we might overshoot the goal or make insufficient progress. A simple fix for the problem is to use line search in conjunction with gradient descent. That is, we use the direction given by
This algorithm converges rapidly (for an analysis and proof see e.g., :cite:Boyd.Vandenberghe.2004
). However, for the purpose of deep learning this is not quite so feasible, since each step of the line search would require us to evaluate the objective function on the entire dataset. This is way too costly to accomplish.
- Learning rates matter. Too large and we diverge, too small and we do not make progress.
- Gradient descent can get stuck in local minima.
- In high dimensions adjusting the learning rate is complicated.
- Preconditioning can help with scale adjustment.
- Newton's method is a lot faster once it has started working properly in convex problems.
- Beware of using Newton's method without any adjustments for nonconvex problems.
- Experiment with different learning rates and objective functions for gradient descent.
- Implement line search to minimize a convex function in the interval
$[a, b]$ .- Do you need derivatives for binary search, i.e., to decide whether to pick
$[a, (a+b)/2]$ or$[(a+b)/2, b]$ . - How rapid is the rate of convergence for the algorithm?
- Implement the algorithm and apply it to minimizing
$\log (\exp(x) + \exp(-2x -3))$ .
- Do you need derivatives for binary search, i.e., to decide whether to pick
- Design an objective function defined on
$\mathbb{R}^2$ where gradient descent is exceedingly slow. Hint: scale different coordinates differently. - Implement the lightweight version of Newton's method using preconditioning:
- Use diagonal Hessian as preconditioner.
- Use the absolute values of that rather than the actual (possibly signed) values.
- Apply this to the problem above.
- Apply the algorithm above to a number of objective functions (convex or not). What happens if you rotate coordinates by
$45$ degrees?