The MathWorks build system wraps Buildroot in pre- and post- processing scripts in order to automate the generation of system images for various platforms. The build system is based around scripts that take as input the target board/platform or image description file and output a complete system image, including bootloader(s), kernel and user space.
The build system combines a number of "shared" Buildroot config settings into a configuration specific to the build. The scripts do this by combining common settings, platform settings, board settings, and build-specific settings into a single Buildroot configuration file, and then executing the build.
The buildroot build process handles the general of a kernel, a user-space image, and the U-boot bootloader. Once these elements have been built, a post-processing script is called to combine them into a system image (format dependent on the platform). The post-processing script automates such tasks as:
- Setting up any necessary files on the root of the SD Card
- Formatting U-Boot and any pre-loader files for the platform
- For Zynq, this involves creating a BOOT.BIN file from the bitstream, FSBL and U-Boot
- For Altera SoC, this involves loading the preloader and U-boot into the A2 partition
- Combining all of the files into a platform-specific system image
- For Zynq, this is a zip of the contents for a FAT32 SD Card
- For Alter SoC, this is a pre-formatted disk image
The build script is used to run the overall build. For convenience, a symbolic link to it is placed at the root of the Buildroot repo. To run a build, use one of the following commands: -b <board> -p <platform>
or -c <path-to-catalog-file>
For example, to build ZedBoard, we would use one of the following: -b zed -p zynq
or -c board/mathworks/zynq/boards/zed/catalog.xml
The build script has a number of other options for configuring the build process and determining where the resulting files are placed. To explore the options run: --help
The content to build is described in a catalog XML file, described in the catalog documentation. Examples of the catalog file can be found in the platform/board directories:
These files are designed to exist either in-tree or out-of-tree. To extend the build system to support new applications or new boards, simply author a new catalog file and pass it to the build script.
The build system uses a prioritized system for combining settings files, allowing more-specific settings files to override settings from more-general settings files. The hierarchy, from least-specific to most-specific is:
- MathWorks common
- Platform: (Zynq) | (Altera SoC)
- Toolchain: (Linaro) | (Xilinx) | (Altera EDS)
- OS: (Linux) | (Xenomai)
- Board: The defconfig file located in the board directory
- E.g. ZedBoard
- Note that the board directory can be overridden by the catalog file
- Catalog: An additional configuration file can be specified in the catalog
- Local: A .localconfig file located in the directory the script is called from
- This file is recommended for setting transient parameters, such as OVERRIDE_SRCDIR or BR2_JLEVEL