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Hernan G. Arango edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 7 revisions

Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)

roms_fill4_github roms_src_600px


Use the following command to download the ROMS source code:

git clone                 (default)
git clone <source_dir>

The idealized and realistic ROMS Test Cases and the Matlab processing software can be downloaded from:

git clone
git clone

We highly recommend that Users clone all the ROMS repositories from the same root directory in your computer, and define the ROMS_ROOT_DIR variable in their computer shell logging environment, specifying where the User cloned/downloaded the ROMS source code, Test Cases, and Matlab processing software:

setenv ROMS_ROOT_DIR  MyDownlodLocationDirectory

The build scripts will use this environmental variable when compiling any of the ROMS Test Cases without the need to customize the location of the ROMS source code. Also, it is used for loading the path of Matlab scripts in the startup.m configuration file.

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