This is the CCF Decentralized RBAC app - sample in typescript.
The CCF network will be used to host a decentralized RBAC application where a consortium of members from different organizations would manage the roles, their allowed actions and users. A user is assigned a role which determines the allowed action.
An external service could use the application to perform authorization(AuthZ) decisions for the logged-in user.
The application consists of three parts:
(i) Role management, (ii) User management, and, (iii) Authorization
- Role and User Management
- API Endpoint: allow members to add a role and allowed action.
- API Endpoint: allow members to add a user and the role.
- Authorization
- Check if a user exists and if an action is allowed.
└── src Application source code
| └── auth Member and User cert Authentication
│ └── endpoints Application endpoints
│ └── repositories Data repositories
│ └── services Domain services
│ └── utils utility classes
To get started and run the application locally, start with setting up the environment.
# setup the environment
git clone # Clone the samples repository
code ccf-app-samples # open samples repository in Visual studio code
# In the VScode terminal window
cd decentralized-authz-app # Navigate to app folder
npm run build # Build and create the application deployment bundle