issues Search Results · repo:networknt/json-schema-validator language:Java
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innetworknt/json-schema-validator (press backspace or delete to remove)I m trying to override the EmailValidator and I look at the test OverrideValidatorTest for inspiration.
But when I modify this test to also check another property, my_timestamp, it triggers with the unmodified ...
- 3
- Opened yesterday
- #1158
the ethlo.itu library becomes required instead of optional when running on the module path. They can t seem to get their
module-info story together so the project also becomes unusable when running on ...
- 5
- Opened on Feb 12
- #1153
We ran into this while migrating to 1.5.5. A JSON schema walk returned an NPE rather than returning validation messages
while validating a YAML document that did not have the corresponding properties. ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 7
- #1151
Hi there,
I have a quite complicated schema from my customer with a lot of references inside and I m struggling to find a library
that works with it. Could you please give a example that accepts a YAML ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 5
- #1150
This is my first ticket in this repo. If not anything else, just wanted to say thanks for this project.
It is interesting, easy to understand and easy to use. Just wanted to reach out with an ...
- 3
- Opened on Jan 31
- #1149
When trying to upgrade from 1.4.0 to 1.5.4, we re seeing memory issues with com.networknt.schema.JsonNodePath increasing
its memory usage each time an endpoint is run until the service OOMs. See the memory ...
- 6
- Opened on Jan 28
- #1148
I.e. a relative IRI like first-segment/second-segment:with-colon or a-segment?queryParam=valueWih:Colon (which are
perfectly fine relative IRIs by RFC-3987) are considered abolute IRIs.
And this is because ...
- Opened on Jan 26
- #1146
I m trying to use a similar example to the one given in the README to force assertions to be disabled but when I execute
this, I still get validation errors referring to the format. This also happens if ...
- 4
- Opened on Jan 16
- #1144
Itu had a release yesterday fixing an issue. As we are affected by this and get itu transitively through
json-schema-validator, we would like the itu dependency to be updated.
- 2
- Opened on Jan 10
- #1142
Hi, at microcks we are using java-json-tools/json-schema-validator to validate JSON, but now we want to migrate to
networknt/json-schema-validator. I have gone through the documentation and some articles ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 2
- #1141

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