All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- add an error message with stacktrace
- fixes #116 update to snapshot version with more trace logging
- fixes #117 add more debug info for both conquest and token transformers
- fixes #114 token-transformer plugin swallow the exception (#115)
- fixes #113 upgrade to light-4j 2.1.37 release version
- update token transformer to return false and error message (#112)
- fixes #111 update a test case to fix the assertion
- Shared Variable Resolve Read Fix #110 @KalevGonvick
- TTL time unit configuration (#108) @KalevGonvick
- Token Grace Period (#107) Thanks @KalevGonvick
- fixes #104 getBytes defaults to UTF-8 encoding (#105)
- handle the HTTP_1_1 explicitly as http-client default to HTTP2 (#103)
- Expiration Fix + Documentation (#99) Thanks @KalevGonvick
- fixes #98 update test case and for body-encoder
- remove duplicated modules in pom.xml files (#97)
- 91 token transformer refactor (#95) Thanks @KalevGonvick
- remove duplicated modules in pom.xml files (#94)
- refactored transformer plugin (#92) Thanks @KalevGonvick
- Add a plugin to transform request or response body to utf-8 encoding (#90)
- Upgrade to light-4j 2.1.35-SNAPSHOT and resolve dependencies (#89)
- fixes #11 upgrade version to 1.0.2 and dependencies