This package provides assets to assist suppliers in the implementation of the Summary Care Record(SCR) actions, the focus in this package was on the GP Summary Upload action[1] . Within the GP Summary Update XML schema there exists a large amount of fixed data which does not vary between messages. This library reduces the workload required to generate a GP Summary Upload message by identifying the parts of the message which are actually variable (such as supplier IDs, author information, and human readable updates) and templating them so a supplier only has to concern themselves with the variable data which can be populated with a json object.
Within the data/templates
directory there exists a mustache
[2] template[3] of the message to be sent to the Spine
system, and in the scr/gpsummaryupdate
module there is a simple interface for populating the template.
This interface can take either a python dictionary or a json file path which will contain the values for the
variable portions of the template. The interface will return the template populated with the values of the
dictionary as an xml string.
The scr/gpsummaryupdate
module also provides an interface for parsing an acknowledgement of a successful
GP summary upload from spine (the async response). Note that this is just the successful response message, error
response parsing is not supported at the current time.
Examples of the usage of the interface can be found in the scr/tests/test_gpsummaryupdate
module and examples of the
json/dictionaries consumed by the interface can be seen in the scr/tests/hashes
This library has been used as part of the integration-adaptors/SCRWebService
project to provide the templating
for the GP summary upload messages before being forwarded to the MHS and further onto Spine.
Finally it should be noted that this package does not support population of structured information within the
GP summary upload message (this is the content within the pertinentInfomation2
tags in the message), the tags have
been included to comply with the message schema but contain no contents, should this ever be extended the template
for the tags can be found in data/templates/pertinentInformation2Partial.mustache
[1] - Gp Summary Update schema action defined in the MIM:
[2] - Mustache templating:
[3] - The main template is 16UK05.mustache, this templates
directory also contains additional templates which are
partials, these are imported to the main template to simplify the main template