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SHARK Tank Programming Guide

NOTE: This document should be considered forward looking. While proof of concepts of everything presented here are available, it more provides a roadmap for completion of the project.

SHARK Tank provides development tooling to create inference optimized models using PyTorch and IREE. While the basic programming model is provided by those projects, SHARK Tank brings an opinionated approach to how models, layers, and datasets are managed. This helps us bridge the gap from the more dominant training-time use cases for which these things are typically developed, focusing instead on the organization of the data, parameters, and servability concerns. This is by no means the only way to build inference solutions on top of these base tools, but we built it after hitting the same issues over and over again.

We were inspired by the great work that the llama.cpp team did in terms of systematizing access to LLMs, focused on inference, and showing us all that when you focus on the task specifically, you can get further faster. With that said, our toolchain and compilers are built for PyTorch and Python, and we wanted to see what it would take to apply a similar development methodology but with the interactive tools we're comfortable with. In practice, we simply use the the technology and models developed for llama.cpp when appropriate, and our tooling can source directly from GGUF files for supported model families. For other model families, we follow a similar development methodology that encourages specialization and systematization.

Additional reading:

Core Concepts

SHARK Tank's core ideas come from a combination of history with various Python based inference setups. They differ from PyTorch's canonical nn.Module based usage in a few key ways:

  • A Dataset is a first order concept, consisting of a set of systematized parameters and a dict of InferenceTensors. Datasets can be loaded from either GGUF files or IREE's native IRPA file format. They can be saved to IRPA files.

  • An InferenceTensor is a logical tensor with a shape and an at-rest dtype. Each InferenceTensor can be manifested as a specific type of physical representation:

    • PrimitiveInferenceTensor: Simply backed by a PyTorch tensor (typically from a memory mapped array in a Dataset on storage but can be arbitrary).

    • Packed QuantizedTensor: These tensors are backed by a single at-rest PyTorch tensor with a specific manner of packing scheme, logically represented by a Layout. In practice, each GGUF quantization scheme has a distinct type of packed QuantizedTensor implementation. It is an open world, and arbitrary implementations are easily created.

    • Planar QuantizedTensor: These tensors are backed by an arbitrary dictionary of tensors (i.e. "planes"), logically represented by a Layout. Typically, packed QuantizedTensors can be converted to planar form. As a tensor compiler, IREE operates best on the planar form for generic kernels, since it is easiest for it to process directly and repack into more architecture specific forms.

  • A Layout operates on a planar arrangement, providing the reference math to quantize/dequantize, specifically preserving any latent block structure to the underlying data. Custom kernels are typically keyed on the Layout type for specialization.

  • InferenceOps are defined for all "hero ops" of modern ML models. These ops take as arguments combinations of plain PyTorch tensors and InferenceTensors. They are pluggable and have a dispatch mechanism for delegating to an appropriately optimized kernel for each combination. Generic optimized implementations are provided for all planar layouts, and specific implementations can be coded for arbitrary packed forms if it is profitable to do so.

  • Theta objects are used to contain a dictionary of InferenceTensors in a Dataset. Theta dictionaries are hierarchical and support various transformations and slicing of the parameter set. As a parallel hierarchy to the nn.Module, most layers in SHARK Tank descend from ThetaLayer, meaning that they are initialized with a slice or subset of the root theta. Typically such layers are then implemented in terms of InferenceOps, which provide the optimized workhorse implementations based on the actual types of InferenceTensors in a given theta slice.

Development Model

All layers in SHARK Tank are completely defined for eager execution -- even those which are operating on exotic inference tensors. In reference mode, all math is implemented in terms of native PyTorch operations, which is always available and allows rapid bootstrapping prior to the development of more optimized type/machine specific kernels. In practice, bootstrapping a new model is always done with interactive, eager execution, using the usual tools to verify numerics and algorithmic correctness.

By default, InferenceOps with optimized, portable IREE kernels are activated, even in eager mode, and any set of kernels can be interactively authored and evaluated in this way. While this precludes some advanced fusions that the compiler could do on the whole graph, it is a large productivity boost for the vast majority of modeling techniques. Runtime logs can be dumped to a directory, saving all intermediate IR, specializations, and invocations so that kernel and optimization teams can work in tandem with model bringup.

For actual deployment outside of a development environment, we export the entire program, compile it with IREE and plug it into the shortfin serving engine (or other harness as needed).

In all usage and compilation modes, SHARK Tank models and layers make explicit use of various key features:

  • Dynamism: With Torch Dynamo's excellent and detailed support for dynamic shapes, we can express precisely specialized layers and programs with the task specific appropriate level of dynamism (i.e. batch and/or sequence length vs all characteristics). Due to PyTorch's strong modeling of these concepts, it lets us specialize the underlying kernels with strong constraints.
  • Mutability: PyTorch is mutable, and modern serving solutions have to manage increasing amounts of mutable state in the form of caches and other constructs. Unlike in many prior ML workloads, cache management for modern genai can only be done efficiently with in-place and/or indirection at scale. Dynamo and IREE's implementation preserves mutability through to the compiler stack and runtime which lets us express these kinds of dataflows naturally.
  • Custom Ops and Fusion: Efficient inference requires specialization of increasingly important and exotic layouts and shapes of fusions. While compilers are good at certain types of these optimizations, for the true hero ops of any architecture, we prefer a development model which makes it cheap to specialize such things versus relying on the compiler to get everything right from a high level compute graph. In practice, this means that we write custom ops for a lot of things, and we have invested in approaches that make this cheap and scalable. In many cases, our custom ops are simply bypassing layers of the framework and targeting lower level forms of the compiler directly, where there is no ambiguity as to the structure. In other cases, we write the implementations in a low-level Pythonic kernel language. In still others, nothing beats a hand coded kernel, and we use those. SHARK Tank makes it easy and interactive to do any of this.

By applying this development model and making it cheap to specialize, we aim to hit the sweet spot in our models whereby modeling code is re-used when appropriate but never at the expense of optimized performance.

Development Activities

Developing Custom Ops


  • Existing ops in sharktank.ops
  • Test cases in tests/ops

TODO: Complete this section.

  • Differentiate between high-level (i.e. linalg, etc) custom ops and low-level (i.e. TK, Triton, binary kernels).
  • Explain/document the CustomOp facility in Turbine and how to use it.
  • Explain how CustomOps are eagerly dispatched or graph compiled via the same implementation.

Layer Development

See: sharktank.layers for existing core layers

TODO: Discuss common layers, etc.

Model Development

See: sharktank.models for specific model family implementations.

TODO: Discuss model configs, registry, and serving protocols to implement (for various kinds of serving scenarios).

LLM Models

We have some conventions and common infrastructure for LLM implementations, including:

  • K/V cache management (either direct or page table based).
  • Generic export and runner scripts (see current:,
  • Systematized hyperparameters and configs that cover the whole family.

TODO: The scripts and configs are not organized very well and need to be generalized a bit vs hard-coded for the LLAMA model we did as a POC.


Dataset Tool

Datasets can be manipulated via some common command line tools documented here. For more advanced use, you are encouraged to load(), transform, and save() as needed.

TODO: Document tools. TODO: Rename to and generalize. TODO: Document APIs for interactively manipulating datasets, converting parameters, quantizing, extending, etc. TODO: Discuss the role of composable datasets for adding features like quantized activations to a model.

Quantization and Tensor Types

Generic Layouts

See: sharktank.types.layouts


See sharktank.types.layouts.BlockScaledLayout.

Block-quantized representation which consists of a scale (d) and offset (m) per block in a higher precision type. The offset, if present, is pre-scaled.

The dequantization formula:

result = * +

The inner-most dims will retain block structure. For example, if the block size is 32 and the original shape was NxK, then the component shapes would be:

  • d: [N, K // 32, 1]
  • m: [N, K // 32, 1]
  • qs: [N, K // 32, 32]

Note that the offset (m) is optional.


See sharktank.types.layouts.BlockScaledI4Layout.

A BlockScaledLayout where the qs are internally packed 2 values per byte.

Per convention, the qs property returns a tensor as either uint8 or int8 (depending on signed=) that can be used directly for arithmetic. The underlying bit-packed tensor can be accessed via qs_bit_packed and it is laid out in little endian bit order, linearly across the block dimension. There are an arbitrary ways to organize such things, and if more specificity is needed, a dedicated layout class should be used. In general, for these "generic" layouts, we choose defaults that mate well with how the compiler infra and prevailing targets are built and trust that optimizations that care will choose a specific packing.


See: sharktank.types.layouts.SuperBlockOffsetScaled_4_6_Layout

Super block scaled q4 matmul with transposed RHS and 6 bit sub-block scale/offset.


  • a: [B, M, K]
  • d: [N, SUP_COUNT, 1]
  • dmin: [N, SUP_COUNT, 1]
  • sb_scales_hi: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT // 4]
  • sb_scales_lo: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT // 2]
  • sb_min_hi: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT // 4]
  • sb_mins_lo: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT // 2]
  • qs: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT, BS // 2]


Given this and hi/lo combined into a single value, the dequantization formula is:

d_scaled = (d * sb_scales).unsqueeze(-1)
dmin_scaled = (dmin * sb_mins).unsqueeze(-1)
return d_scaled * qs - dmin_scaled

GGML Layouts


Corresponds to GGML Q8_0 quantization (8 bit, symmetric).

#define QK8_0 32
typedef struct {
    ggml_fp16_t d;         // delta
    int8_t  qs[QK8_0];     // quants
} block_q8_0;

This is generically planarized to a BlockScaledLayout unless if a specific packed, optimized kernel is available.


Correspnds to GGML Q4_1 quantization (4bit qs with FP scale/offset).

#define QK4_1 32
typedef struct {
    ggml_fp16_t d;          // delta
    ggml_fp16_t m;          // min
    uint8_t qs[QK4_1 / 2];  // nibbles / quants
} block_q4_1;

This is generically planarized to a BlockScaledI4Layout unless if a specific packed, optimized kernel is available.


Corresponds to GGML Q4_K quantization (4 bit qs with super/sub-blocks, where the super-block scale/offset is FP and the sub-block scale/offset is 6bit unsigned integers).

#define QK_K 256
#define K_SCALE_SIZE 12
typedef struct {
    union {
        struct {
            ggml_half d;    // super-block scale for quantized scales
            ggml_half dmin; // super-block scale for quantized mins
        ggml_half2 dm;
    uint8_t scales[K_SCALE_SIZE]; // scales and mins, quantized with 6 bits
    uint8_t qs[QK_K/2];           // 4--bit quants
} block_q4_K;

This is generically planarized to the SuperBlockOffsetScaled_4_6_Layout unless if a specific packed, optimized kernel is available:

This uses the same 6bit scales and mins packing scheme and super-block structure as some other "K" quantizations. We planarize itthe inner block scales and mins to 4 arrays with POT bit depths.

  • 8 * i4 : uint8 ms_low[4]
  • 8 * i2 : uint8 ms_hi[2]
  • 8 * i4 : uint8 ds_low[4]
  • 8 * i2 : uint8 ds_hi[2]

This gives us the characteristic of linear addressing on the components, which the compiler can do more with than a heavily interleaved format.


  • a: [B, M, K]
  • d: [N, SUP_COUNT, 1]
  • dmin: [N, SUP_COUNT, 1]
  • sb_scales_hi: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT // 4]
  • sb_scales_lo: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT // 2]
  • sb_min_hi: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT // 4]
  • sb_mins_lo: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT // 2]
  • qs: [N, SUP_COUNT, SUB_COUNT, BS // 2]


Given this and hi/lo combined into a single value, the dequantization formula is:

d_scaled = (d * sb_scales).unsqueeze(-1)
dmin_scaled = (dmin * sb_mins).unsqueeze(-1)
return d_scaled * qs - dmin_scaled


