Any version of the Knative specifications is eligible for self-certification within the following constraints:
- A version is no longer eligible one year after a minor version within the same major version has been released. For example, vX.Y is no longer eligible one year after vX.Y+1 is released.
- Any version within a major version sequence is no longer eligible two years after a new major version has been released. For example, vX.Y is no longer eligible two years after vX+1.0 is released regardless of when vX.Y was released.
Any certification received for a version is only valid within the timeframe that the specified version of the specifications are eligible for new certifications. For example, if vX.Y is due to become ineligible for certification on December 30, 2021, a certification for vX.Y that is approved on November 30, 2021 will only be valid for one month.
All certifications become invalid when the corresponding version of the Knative specifications are no longer eligible for certification.
All statements of conformance must include the specific version numbers (major and minor) of the specifications to which they have been self-certified.