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A fun brain break.

Creates species counterpoint with genetic algorithms (in Python). Produces output for the music typesetter Lilypond (

A presentation about this project given at the Europython 2012 conference can be found in the presentation directory, just load the index.html file in a browser.

See AUTHORS for contact information and LICENSE for the license (MIT).

To install type:

$ python install

Once installed try:

$ foox --help

for more information, or, to evolve some counterpoint try:

$ foox -s 1 -cf 5 7 6 5 8 7 9 8 7 6 5 -o first_species
$ lilypond

This will produce two files: first_species.pdf (the musical score) and first_species.midi (a midi file to listen to with you media player). More information can be gleaned from the presentation.

Feedback and questions most welcome.