In this demo we want to showcase how to run OpenMetadata in the port 443 with a self-signed certificate with an SSO
configured. The ingestion of metadata will use the JWT Token configuration for the ingestion-bot
and the SSO
configuration for the rest of the users.
The configuration of OM will look like the following one:
The 3 main components in the diagram are:
acting as a reverse proxy for ports 80 and 443.OM deployment
our OM server with Airflow.Keycloak
as the SSO (but it could be any one of the available).
This demo is based on the Keycloak SSO example.
In this directory you will find a Docker Compose file that will spin up Keycloak, NGINX and OpenMetadata server.
docker compose --env-file .env-sso-ssl up
The regeneration of the self-signed certificate can be done by running the following command in the ssl
folder. The om-site.conf
file can be edited to update the values of the certificate.
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout om-site.key -out om-site.crt -config om-site.conf -passin pass:MyPassword
If we want to avoid any browse security warning about our self-signed certificate (om-site.crt
) we can add to our OS:
When NGINX proxies a request, it sends the request to a specified proxied server, fetches the response, and sends it
back to the client. In our case we want to redirect requests to port 80
to 443
and redirect calls to 443
to the OM
server which will be behind the proxy. The SSL configuration will be handled in NGINX.
The configuration used in NGINX can be found in /nginx
folder. And looks like the following one:
worker_processes 1;
events { worker_connections 1024; }
http {
server {
listen 80;
server_name openmetadata_server;
location / {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri; # redirect to 443
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name openmetadata_server;
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/om-site.crt; # SSL configuration
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/om-site.key; # SSL configuration
location / {
proxy_pass http://openmetadata_server:8585; # redirect to OM server in port 8585
proxy_redirect off;
Most of the configuration of OM server can be found in the .env-sso-ssl
file, but the most important one to be aware of is
we need to set two different URLs, one will be the
one used to validate JWT tokens coming from the SSO, and the other one, will be the one to validate the JWT tokens
generated by OM server (used by the ingestion-bot).
AUTHENTICATION_PUBLIC_KEYS=[http://host.docker.internal:8081/realms/data-sec/protocol/openid-connect/certs, http://localhost:8585/api/v1/config/jwks]
One common mistake is to configure the OM server in this kind of deployment with the URL of the secured OM server like:
as it is shown in the following diagram:
This will cause this kind of errors when deploying any workflow to Airflow:
The root cause of this error comes from an SSL Handshake error between OM server, or OM Airflow, and the proxy due to be using a self-signed certificate. The JVM where our OM server is running can not validate the certificate, and it fails. The same happens with the calls done from Airflow DAGs to the secured OM server URL.
To solve this issue, we have to import public cert of our generated into the Java Keystore of our OM server. In the same way, we have to configure Airflow to use the public certificate to call the OM Server. To achieve that, first, we need to update our configuration with:
# Airflow Configuration
# We will point localhost URLs to the NGINX server port 443
AUTHENTICATION_PUBLIC_KEYS=[http://host.docker.internal:8081/realms/data-sec/protocol/openid-connect/certs, https://host.docker.internal/api/v1/config/jwks]
# Airflow SSL Configuration
PIPELINE_SERVICE_CLIENT_VERIFY_SSL=validate # force SSL validation
PIPELINE_SERVICE_CLIENT_SSL_CERT_PATH=/tmp/om-site.crt # the public cert used for the validations
Secondly, we have to stop and remove openmetadata_server
and openmetadata_ingestion
docker rm -f openmetadata_server
docker rm -f openmetadata_ingestion
docker compose --env-file .env-sso-ssl up -d # start them again
Finally, we are going to run the following commands:
docker cp ssl/om-site.crt openmetadata_server:/tmp/om-site.crt # copy public cert into openmetadata server container
docker cp ssl/om-site.crt openmetadata_ingestion:/tmp/om-site.crt # copy public cert into openmetadata ingestion container
docker exec -it openmetadata_server bash # login into OM server instance
export JAVA_HOME="$(jrunscript -e 'java.lang.System.out.println(java.lang.System.getProperty("java.home"));')" # this will export JAVA_HOME env if it is not set
cd $JAVA_HOME/lib/security
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias localhost -file /tmp/om-site.crt # import public certificate into the JVM keystore
exit # exit from OM server instance
docker restart openmetadata_server # restart OM server instance
If everything goes as expected, we will be able to redeploy and run our workflow without any error.
The docker-compose file used in this demo is fixed to the 0.13.2
version, but you can achieve the same result to any version by getting the specific
docker-compose file in this link (there are different branches
with the specific version).
Once you downloaded the docker-compose file, you have to add the keycloak
and reverseproxy
service to the docker-compose file.
- start-dev
- --import-realm
KEYCLOAK_IMPORT: /tmp/realm-export.json -Dkeycloak.profile.feature.upload_scripts=enabled
- "8081:8080"
- ./config/data-sec.json:/opt/keycloak/data/import/data-sec.json