Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
Fork the Project and clone the repo to your local machine
Install Dependencies
Using Yarn (highly recommended):
Using npm:
npm install
Make changes
Write tests for changes
Open a Pull Request
When developing, you'll probably want to run the dev version of our application. Nautilus development is fully integrated with webpack HMR, typescript and sass loaders and Electron. To start the development enviorment.
yarn dev
This will open a new instance of the Nautilus desktop application and will reload automatically as you make changes. Code away!!
Nautilus utilizes electron-builder to package the application. If you want to see the changes you've made to Nautilus in a production version of the application, use these scripts:
Package for MacOS:
yarn package-mac
Package for Windows:
yarn package-win
Package for Linux:
yarn package-linux
Package for all three operating systems:
yarn package-all
The Nautilus repo is integrated with Travis CI, so tests will run automatically on all pull requests. But, we highly recommend that you test as you develop--Nautilus is a test driven development team. We have two ways to run tests:
yarn test
Best use for yarn test
is right before making a PR to make sure that none of your changes have broken the application.
yarn test-f <test-filename>
This command is ideal when working on a particular component to streamline development. No need to run tests for the whole application when only touching one file.