can be used along with Travis CI to test changes remotely.
One way to accomplish this testing is to use the headless version of Chrome or Firefox.
bok-choy does this when the BOKCHOY_HEADLESS
environment is set to "true".
- export BOKCHOY_HEADLESS=true
Another option is to use the X Virtual Framebuffer (xvfb) to imitate a display.
Headless versions of Chrome and Firefox are relatively new developments,
so you may want to use xvfb if you encounter a bug with headless browser usage.
To use xvfb, you'll start it up via a before_script
section in your .travis.yml
file, like this:
- "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
- "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
- sleep 3 # give xvfb some time to start
For more details, see this code example and the Travis docs.
can be used along with tox to test against multiple Python virtual environments containing different versions of requirements.
An important detail when using tox in a Travis CI environment: tox passes along only a fixed list of environment variables to each tox-created virtual environment.
When using bok-choy
via xvfb in tox, the DISPLAY environment variable is needed but is not automatically passed-in.
The tox.ini file needs to specify the DISPLAY variable like this:
passenv =
For more details, see the tox docs.