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Jayprakash sharma-jayprakash
ngl, i hate humans


Ayush Chandekar ayu-ch
IIT Roorkee'27


Nikhil Patil swaploard
Full Stack | Blockchain Developer


Anchal Bharti anc-bhrti
Blockchain Developer, looking forward to do some really cool stuff through participating in more and more hackathons.

IIT (ISM) Dhanbad Dhanbad

Vaibhav vaibhav0806

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City Bengaluru

Utsav Sharma x-senpai-x
Blockchain enthusiast exploring DeFi and ZeroKnowledge


Shankar D. Warang ShankarWarang
Community Operations Lead and Council Member @edgeware-network, Ex-Android ROM Developer (Compiled and ported ROMs for MTK devices). Electrical Engineer 🎓

@Edgeware-Network Mumbai, India

Arun kumar Arunkumarkanpur
(MERN stack & Full-stack web developer and programmer) in Computer science engineering with specialisation Data Science & Artificial intelligence.

Lucknow, uttar pradesh India

Ishaan 0xD4rky
a boy living in a loop of compilation and termination
Akshat dev-n-dough
Hi! I am Akshat, currently a 2nd year student at IIT Roorkee. I am currently exploring the web3 space.

Roorkee, Uttarakhand , India

Sambhav Jain DarkLord017

Indian Institute of Technology , Roorkee Roorkee,India

Veer Chaurasia VeerChaurasia

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee,India

Aniket anstormx
cse undergrad at bits goa

BITS Pilani, Goa Mumbai

Rudra Beniwal rudrabeniwal

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Mradul Singhal cy4n1d3-p1x3l
Time without purpose is a prison.

Roorkee, Uttarakhand

Neelansh Jaiswal ajneelansh
Exploring the realm of Web3
Hardik Kansal hardik-kansal

@BlocSoc-iitr IIT Roorkee

Soham Biren Katlariwala SohamBirenKatlariwala
Deep Learning & Medical AI focused on medical imaging, disease detection, and responsible AI.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras India

Sumit startup-dreamer
GPG: 7E15 C844 17D4 9082 55BE B91E AC0B B82E 1FA8 39CD

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee internet

Aayush Anand aayush01x
Sophomore at EE dept of IIT Kanpur
Shrishvesh yomanthunder
Passionate about tech & web dev . Also into blockchain . Hackathon enthusiast, eager to learn, collaborate and Aspiring to be a great entrepreneur
Yash Saraswat 0xpanicError

Othentic Labs IIT Roorkee

Omkar 0xClint
Frontend Developer

IIT Roorkee Roorkee, Uttarakhand

DHRUV dhruv2981
CSE IIT ROORKEE IMG Developer Upcoming Intern at Goldman Sachs
Abhishek Krishna abhicris
@create-protocol IP AI Models De AI Human Creativity and Intelligence for Post AI Universe

Create Protocol Tokyo