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Tomek Plewa tomekplewa

Florida State University

Matheus Araújo matheus-araujo
Quantum Computing | Quantum Information | Quantum Software Developer


PV Martins pvmartins87
NVH Specialist and Software enthusiast

Graz, Austria

Ataur Rahman Arahman0i
M.Sc. Physics (Computational Physics) Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
Open Software Enthusiast, Support, Testing, Feedback, Cooperation, International
Hilmi Bayraktaroglu hbayraktaroglu
PhD Researcher

Delft University of Technology Delft

jlchen jlchen2015

ASIPP Hefei,China

Stephen P Cook stephenpcook

University of Exeter Exeter, Devon, UK

Brian Blaylock blaylockbk

Monterey, CA

Federico E. Benelli fedebenelli
Chemical Engineer, PhD candidate on phase equilibria behaviour on reservoir oil. Doing most of my calculations in Fortran and Python

IPQA - CONICET Córdoba, Argentina

Pankaj Kumar pankajkarman

KIT Germany Karlsruhe

Troy Brumley BlameTroi
Retired programmer, various languages and platforms, I'm just doing this for fun now.

Retired Midwest USA

Srikanth Sathyanarayana cssrikanth

Max Planck Computing & Data Facility (MPCDF) Garching, Germany

Arif Yunando S. (Soen) arifyunando
~~ inquisitive bunny

Technische Universiteit Delft Indonesia

Kapil KapilKhanal
grad(Student) : Multidisciplinary Design Optimization @ Cornell SEA Lab Previously : Sports Analytics @ CMU and @ WinonaState

Cornell University Ithaca

GP Wang cetium

Beijing ,China

Romain NOËL romain-noel
Scientific researcher in computational physics / numerical analysis applied to structures / systems @INRIA & @Universite-Gustave-Eiffel

Inria / Univ-Eiffel Nantes

Sadjad Sad-Abd
Assistant Professor at University of Isfahan

University of Isfahan Isfahan, Iran

Abhinna Kumar Behera Abhinna-22
#Atmospheric Science #Numerical Modeling #Clouds and Aerosols #Chemistry Transport #Adjoint Model (Inverse Modeling) #Emissions


Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen foeroyingur
Most of my work is on GitLab (

Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Yang Yang yangyang14641
Ph.D. Candidate in Fluid Mechanics at Peking University. Interested in High-Performance Computing, Quantum Computing, and Contemporary Mathematical Physics.

Peking University Beijing, China

Fabio Delogu fabiodelogu

CIMA Research Foundation Italy

I´m sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
Justin Singh-M. - NOAA program--
Graduate Student & Software Engineer

@lynker-spatial Sacramento, CA

Yasel Quintero yiquintero
Research Software Engineer

@TU-Delft-DCC Netherlands

Cristian Andrione Cristian133

Casilda, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Enes Tunca tuncaen
Numerical Methods in Naval Architecture Applications | Co-Founder at Turnavi Software and Engineering Inc. | Researcher & PhD Candidate @itu

Istanbul Technical University Istanbul