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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Adrian Sieber ad-si
CEO @Airsequel | Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Rust

@Airsequel Frankfurt am Main

Mark Stevens MStylesMS
Engineer, founder of Paradox Challenge Rooms, moonlights as Green Lantern. Husband to Wonder Woman, Fantastic Five's father.

Paradox Challenge Rooms Tupelo, MS

Jay Hineman jhineman
Mathematics Ph.D. in Nonlinear PDE working on applied mathematics.

Durham, NC

Charles Cai charles-cai

Socialogix Limited London, UK

Tiago Oliveira 5toliv

@economiagovbr Brasil

Reed Graff ReedGraff
Hey, I'm Reed. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. I dropped out of UT Austin to work on my business -- We help roofers pull permits faster.


Samuel Neto otenmas
I like to disassemble and build things, manual work, mainly related to woodworking, machines, sustainability and open source.

Alagoinhas Bahia Brasil

Daniel Hamilton TechGyver7
Having many years of professional IT experience and training with most every area of Information Technology has resulted in becoming a skilled problem solver.

Fort Worth, TX

Madeline Gannon madelinegannon
Inventing better ways to communicate with machines that make things.


open, unhide and shine the code.
Lucas Neves Martins lucasmartins
Build *strong* engineering teams.

Florianópolis, Brasil

JoseVargas JoseARVargas
BIM Technology Specialist. Bridging the gap between BIM and bespoke software solutions.

Officio Tecnologia Belo Horizonte