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Ren raenier


Arunabha Bhattacharya arunabha42

Bloodstream Bangalore, India

David Dada DADADAVE80
Blockchain | Mobile App Developer


Riley jtriley2p
independent research engineer
raul gimenez valladares raulgimenez granollers, barcelona

Vladyslav Makarian vldmkr
Blockchain, IoT


Thierry Laurion tlaurion
Making security more accessible --- PGP fingerprint: 0ACCB2B664EE17E054B05E0B4A38DA8BEB9C8396

Insurgo Open Technologies


Calgary, Canada

Szymon Szantula byq77
Embedded software developer interested in IoT, robotics, photogrammetry, and the gamification concept.


Nicholas Lau wulfboy-95
I'm a random person that codes random stuff.
Alex agiUnderground
Python | Go | C | Linux | BSD | Unix
Craig T. Nilson cnils
applied mathematician | maker | information designer

Bethesda, MD



Liviu Cernei LCernei

Moldova, Chisinau

Huskya itshusky01
In the silent interlude between knowledge and mystery, thoughts wander... Amidst the lingering echoes of yesteryears, whispers of tomorrow subtly emerge...

Shenzhen, China

gab gabriel-amyot

Montréal, Canada

Peter o61o

freelancer China

Adriel O'Malley Agentoma
Adriel O'Malley is an accomplished project manager with expertise in computer development and infrastructure management, passionate about AI.

AOM Canada