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Curtis Chong curtischong
I love Vim, cross validation and Taylor Swift's music. I'm coding programs to discover new materials

UW SoftEng 2023 Waterloo, ON

Jonathan Bragg jbragg
Senior Research Scientist at Allen Institute for AI (AI2). Human-centered AI researcher.

@allenai Allen Institute for AI (AI2)

Anmol Agarwal anmolagarwal999
Grad Student @ Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Pratik Parmar HackyRoot
A dynamic DevRel professional with expertise in Machine Learning, Pratik is a master of Backend Engineering. With a ton of experience in Python, SQL.


Grigory Evko GrigoryEvko
CTO @TheArtisanAI | 3rd time founder | ML researcher | Nature published researcher


Tolga Cangöz tolgacangoz boldly go where no one has gone before...
Azher Shaikh azhershaikh
I love programming !! I like to watch and develop Formula One knowledge.. Can work in Formula One team as my desire.. #KeepFightingAlways

Nvidia Pune

Andrew andrewabrahamian
strategy @ intel | data science @ berkeley

@intel Boston, MA

Matomo Niwano matomoniwano
I am a graduate student at Saarland University, majoring in Bioinformatics. I am Interested in automation development

Jacobs University Bremen Bremen, Germany

Pengcheng Ma (Enoch) pchengma
To paraphrase my advisor: get your hands dirty on the code. 😎

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

ZincCat zinccat



Beijing, China

Cyrus CyrusNuevoDia

Zenbase AI Planet Earth

Yuzhen Mao yuzhenmao
Research Assistant at Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University Vancouver, Canada

Ben Viggiano bviggiano

Stanford University Palo Alto, CA

Luis Guerra luis-guerraf
Computer Vision PhD at Monash University

Monash University

Yuning Xia yuninxia
PhD Student at Rice CS

Rice University Houston, TX

Kade Heckel kmheckel
Marshall Scholar '22

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

lichu acuña LichuAcu
mathemagics 🖖

Stanford 🌎

segfault praveen-velliengiri
Downwards is the only way forwards!!
Ryan Ehrlich Naqu6

Palo Alto, California.


Peking University Beijing, China

Pritam Kumar Ravi pritam5756
Learning How to make machines Learn


jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Czech Republic, Prague

zk zkmn73
Software Engineer in Search Infra/Ads Infra/Machine Learning Infra/Distributed System

@Bytedance Inc. Beijing, China

Anne Ouyang anneouyang
CS PhD Student @Stanford | prev: MEng, B.S. in CS @mit, cuDNN @NVIDIA | ML systems and performance engineering

San Jose, California

Rachmad Putra rachmadvwp
Research Associate

TU Wien & NYU Abu Dhabi Wien, AT & Abu Dhabi, UAE

Ali Abdelkader aliabdelkader
Software Engineer

Cairo, Egypt


- United States

Jonathan Zarecki jonzarecki
Founder, CTO @ Stealth

Tel Aviv, Israel

Kaiyan Zhang iseesaw
PhD Student at Tsinghua University.

@TsinghuaC3I Beijing

Fabio Dias Rollo fabiodr
Systems architect, passionated with tech and software development