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Gabrielle Dewson Gsdewson
University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston Texas PhD student studying genome organization
Daniel J. Gomez dan-j-gomez
Genomics, Big Data-Omics, Multiorgan Bioscientist, Molecular Biologist and Bioinformatician. Master's Student @ Cal State East Bay


Syed Hussain Ather HussainAther
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.” - Nietzsche
Huan Yang DotBlot

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Joe Hoye Dow MaybeBio
Shanghai Jiao Tong University/major in bioinformatics. A beginner FOR everything

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Siyun Wang siyunw

University of British Columbia Vancouver

Jacob Valdez JacobFV
human robot


Engenheiro agrônomo, Mestre em fitopatologia/Nematologia vegetal pela Universidade Federal de Viçosa/UFV, Pesquisador de doutorado na ESAL/USP.

ESALQ/USP Piracicaba-SP

benben-miao benben-miao
PhD student at Xiamen University, Engaged in biological research and innovation in bioinformatics. The developer of HiPlot, OmicsSuite, TOmicsVis.

Xiamen University China

Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

zhenstu zhengyanstu
New to Bioinformatics and Ecoevolution
Yujing Lin YujingLin123
Post-doc in Southern University of Science and Technology


Postdoctoral Scholar at Faculty of Science <#Computational Biology #multiomics #machine learning #Single Cell Genomics #Systems Biology>
Karol Piera zenteka

University of Lausanne


Sidra Medicine Doha

kbsivakumar karthickbrlab


Mikhail Dozmorov mdozmorov
Bioinformatician, interested in 3D genomics, cancer, statistics, programming, machine and deep learning
Nice~ Miracle-Yao
Beginner of Bioinfo

Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan

Eric Edsinger 000generic
Sonogenetic tools - pygmy cephalopods, marine invertebrate larvae, dinoflagellates - origins and evolution of brains and sensory systems!

Friday Harbor, United States


Stockholm University Stockholm

Nisar Ahmed nisar-BIGPM
Postdoctoral Research Scholar


ZackBioLeeds Zeqian2016
Molecular and Cellular Biology

University of Leeds United Kingdom

Yudong Cai silvewheat

Northwest A&F University

Longhao Jia JiaLonghao1997
Bioinformatics Metagenomics

[email protected] Shanghai, China