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Hassan gammaploid
ML and science enthusiast
Parveen Gartan pga043
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry | Postdoctoral researcher

University of Bergen Norway

Safaa Sader safazahi4989

Village terre apartments

Johannes Karwounopoulos JohannesKarwou
PostDoc at TU Vienna, former Quantum Molecular Research Scientist @Exscientia and former PhD student at University Vienna @cbc-univie

TU Wien Vienna, Austria


University of Vienna Austria

Christian Fellinger Dragon3221
PhD student at the University of Vienna

University of Rostock

Åsmund Kaupang akaupang
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dept. of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Norway,
Marcus Wieder wiederm
Computational Chemistry at Achira, former PostDoc at @cbc-univie and @choderalab, @Exscientia and OMSF

Achira Vienna, Austria