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Edward Lavender edwardlavender
Postdoc at SIAM/Eawag. PhD from St Andrews and MASTS. Interested in ecology and modelling in R.


Fonti Kar fontikar
Postdoc UNSW - R software development

Sydney, Australia

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Paul L. Maurizio mauriziopaul
Bioinformatics Scientist at the NIH. Former postdoc at UChicago, Barreiro lab. PhD in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology with @williamvaldar & Mark Heise.

NIAID Bethesda, MD

David DALEE9000
Clouds, oceans, & political economy are cool | Now: Causal ML, geospatial data, atmospheric physics | Past: New York State Legislature

New York City

®γσ, ξηg Lιαη Ημ (雷欧) englianhu
🚩®️🦔📚👨🏻‍💻📊📈📉💹 秦国China @scibrokes 世博量化®十二生肖的国际标准中文北京话秦人牧马,赢家黄氏江夏堂🦔中科高频量化对冲「大秦赋算筹」;易经、天文历法、算卜、风水、杏林业、中华保险业中药中医取代西药西医。 创办人:艺人背景 [email protected]

世博量化® @scibrokes 马国雪州,邮号四五五零零,丹戎加弄区,峇东新村,B村第五巷门牌皕枠号

Ihsan Kahveci ihsankahveci
PhD Student in Sociology

University of Washington Seattle, WA