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DanyWin dhuynh95
Project lead and CEO of LaVague (


KevinVerdiere VrdrKv

@hinfact Toulouse

Medric Sonwa medric49
Sonwa Medric, I am. Computer Engineer. I love working on robot learning projects.


Adam Siemiginowski ATSiem
Director of The Quantum Entanglement Center (, Director of Product + Delivery AI @ deFacto Global (

The Quantum Entanglement Center Troy, NY

LilPimpn86 FuckStickFunFuck
33 DWF Freelance Journalist Anlyst Cnsltnt Mrktng Blogger, Political Satirist & Commentator, Community Organizer, Podcaster, Radical Activist, Volunteer.

@staywokemedia Indiana USA

Ken Nickerson kcnickerson
Maker, Coder, Hacker, MaveriX, XanaduAI, HorizonIO, CDL, i6, xdTaz, xOmers, xFlixel, xRthm, xKobo, xOpenCola, xMicrosoft, xRogers, xBanks, xXs

iBinary LLC Toronto, ON

Erfan Miahi erfanMhi
Currently engrossed in the field of RL < Mainly interested in discovering the proper mathematical definition of Intelligence < ML Researcher

University of Alberta Canada, Toronto

Ishaan Chaturvedi ishaan27chaturvedi
Studying MS AI at Queen Mary University of London


Xiaohu Zhu tigerneil
Strong, but safe.

Center for Safe AGI Earth