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Brian Groenke bgroenks96
Scientist, data nerd, software engineer; Doctoral researcher @ AWI Potsdam working at the intersection of data science, dynamical systems, and geoscience.

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Potsdam, Germany

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Yucheng Wang wangyc2320
Grad student [email protected] Geophysics, Geodynamics

Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York State, U.S.

Joe Lane OxbowJoe
Research assistant/Ph.D student at the University of Memphis

University of Memphis Memphis

Stephanie Orellana Bello sporella
Master in Natural Resources. Research Software Engineer. Spatial data. R + Python

Santiago, Chile

Ari Koeppel ahdkoeppel
Planetary science researcher
Joe jmarshrossney

UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) / University of Edinburgh UK

li songda lisongda13
Ocean university of China major in Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering

Ocean university of China Ocean university of China Qingdao, Shandong 266100 China

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Nacere Mohamed Samassi nacere14
PhD Candidate

University of Rochester Rochester, New York

Bruce Qin BruceQin97

China Univevsity of Geoscience (Wuhan) Wuhan,China

Lorenzo Campoli lkampoli
Research Fellow @unimelb

The University of Melbourne Melbourne

YoungDon Choi DavidChoi76
Principal Researcher in K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation)

K-water Daejeon, South Korea

Abner Bogan abnerbog
Interdisciplinary researcher passionate about contributing to an equitable future. Also an avid musician and producer!

Consortium of Universities for the Advancement for Hydrologic Science, Inc. @CUAHSI Syracuse, NY

ZhouxuanXiao zhouxuanxiao
Luis Astudillo luchin89

Universidad de Granada Granada, España


National University of Singapore Singapore

Kang Wang wk1984

@permamodel, @csdms, University of Colorado Boulder United States

Andy Wickert awickert
Rivers, glaciers, landscapes, and sea level, in the past and present

University of Minnesota / GFZ Potsdam Potsdam, Germany

Adnan Ahmed adnahmed
Computer Scientist

Islamabad, Pakistan

Qimin Wu QiminWu

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA

Jason Caldwell jason-usace


Dan Sandiford dansand

University of Melbourne Melbourne

Ethan Pierce ethan-pierce
PhD candidate with a focus on glacial geomorphology, subglacial physics, and numerical modeling.

University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO

KONG DEHENG snowmanman

Tongji University, China

Dave Tapley davetapley

@JEFuller Phoenix, AZ

Sharad Kumar Gupta sharadgupta27

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig, Germany

Brian M Staes brianstaes
PhD Student Oregon State University
Seonggyu Park spark-brc

Texas A&M AgriLife Temple, TX

Robin Schwemmle schwemro

University of Freiburg Freiburg i. Br., Germany

mnkadir mnkadir
Hydrologist | Doctoral Student

University of Florida Gainesville, Florida

Chris Tasich christasich
Ph.D. and PMF Fellow with expertise in simple model development. Committed to creating open-source tools for data-driven decisions under uncertainty.

U.S. EPA | CDC (work) + Personal Projects Washington, D.C.