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Luca Mossina lmossina
Data. Science. Code.

Toulouse, France

Fabien Antoine rhanka
full stack data/IA (speech, text, image, geo, fuzzy, deep, GenAI, analytics) & IT (front/back, architecture, CI/CD GitHub ec2 nova k8s) program & IT management

matchID, CGI Montreal

Johann Christensen juhannc
AI researcher

AI Safety & Security @DLR-KI (part of @DLR-de) Hamburg, Germany

Arthur Chiron Arthur-Chiron

@deel-ai Toulouse, France

Killian Steunou killian31
Masters student in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.


Tsara tsaratiana
AI engineer, artist and musician


Camille Besombes Cam-B04
Research assistant/Data scientist at McGill University Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences.

McGill University Montreal

zhihaosui suizhihao

shanghai ai lab shanghai

NguyenS (he/him) sangnguyens
Data Scientist

Vietnam Petroleum Institute Ho Chi Minh city - Vietnam

Abdelhakim Benechehab abenechehab
Ph.D. Student - Huawei Noah's Ark Lab & EURECOM

Huawei Noah's Ark Lab Paris Area

Yoann Poupart Xmaster6y
💻 XAI PhD Student & Entrepreneur

Sorbonne University Paris

Eteph Vujas-Eteph
Scientific employee at the Fraunhofer IOSB and external Ph.D. student at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Fraunhofer IOSB Ettlingen

Nader AttentiveNader
Deep Learning Engineer

@Proteinea Cairo, Egypt

Adrien Lafage alafage
CS PhD Student at Renault Group and @ENSTA-U2IS-AI - Trajectory Forecasting / Risk Assessment / Deep Learning.

Renault Group France

Alexandre Rodríguez Rendo alexandre2r

FADA-CATEC (Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies) Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Noémie Cohen NoCohen66
Formal methods for ML-vision based systems

Onera & Airbus France

Daniel Anadria danadria
PhD Candidate in Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Utrecht University Netherlands

Mohammad Javad Maheronnaghsh mjmaher987
ML Student at CE Department

Sharif University of Technology Tehran, Iran

Minal S Patil minalspatil
Explainable AI, Machine Reasoning

Umeå universitet Umeå, Sweden

Youcef Korichi yokor1
Software Engineer. PHD Student at BDRC (Big Data Research Center)


Louis Roussel LouisRouss
AI research Engineer particularly interested in generative AI and more broadly in Computer Vision

IRT Saint Exupery Toulouse