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R. Leroi rleroi

Software Developer Netherlands

raj krishna Krishna-js45
helo Folks, Im Rajkrishna.

AlphaBytes.corp salem,India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


João Freitas Johannes9009
Dazed anda very confused.

rio de janeiro

Jan Bours jbdatascience
I care about Data Science in general. But I try to focus on some subfields of it (or I will explode ......... ).


Ken Fehling kenfehling
Web developer, music maker


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Maisy Capps maisycapps
Puzzle enthusiast

Los Angeles, CA

Romain Racamier-Lafon Shuunen
In a stable relationship with JS & TS

HumaCode Strasbourg

Noah Sherwin BinToss
Iteration toward Innovation

Idaho, United States

Leah Albrow lalbrow
PhD Student @ MIT EAPS
Andrei Codorean CakeVision
A curious person.


Theodor Kozlowski RomanWest
PhD Psychology @ University of Bath & Research Technician @ MyWorld - Bristol Bath. MSc Computing (Distinction - Cardiff University)

University of Bath Bristol, UK

David Carlton Adams davidcarltonadams
Composer, computer-music dilettante
Phumelela Mdluli phume03
C.S. & Econ. B.A. Graduate Lake Forest College '15

New Breed Designs (Unregistered) Eswatini

Jonathan icebox
Software Engineer

All Planet

George Gayl gigorbust
Teaching myself to code with the help of new incredible tools and an awesome community. Silent Storm Sound System, Float Gear, Carve Collective,Bestride Labs

Bestride Labs Houston, Texas

Dmitriy DmitryBorodiy
Student with expertise in developing .NET applications, web services, and web applications using the C# programming language.

Windows Developer Ukraine

Dheeraj Dhillon djdhillxn
ECE @ IIT Roorkee

Gurgaon, India


Chicago, IL

Space AudunVN
Hi! I mostly do (more or less) silly web things. :) 🏳️‍⚧️

Trondheim, Norway

DesiRock dubu49
Pioneering AI music testing

@desirock London UK

Steven Borik StevenJBorik
Full stack dev on the net working in the .NET space in space upon a floating rock.

MillerKnoll Colorado

Destin Finn destinfinn
In New Zealand making music things


Kadeem Pratt PixelJunkie33

Open Source Contributor Alexandria VA