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Hannes Helmholz HaHeho
PhD Student in Applied Acoustics, working on the binaural rendering of spherical microphone array signals.

Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden

Art Pelling artpelling
i like sound ∿ waves

TU Berlin Berlin, Germany

Cares about human rights, democracy, privacy, free software and freedom of information.
Vinzenz Aubry vin-ni
artist, @ungroup & art, culture & technology @mit Berlin & Cambridge MA

Simon Wörpel simonwoerpel
my work is mysterious and important | investigative data journalist | leak librarian | @investigativedata | ex @correctiv

@investigativedata Europe

Johannes Filter jfilter
Python, Data, Web, Scraping, NLP, PDFs, JavaScript, React

Johannes Filter Berlin

Annika anakinASD
Insanely professional Lead Software Engineer. Hiya!
Vri vrifox
We, the Open Source Community, should decentralise our Forges more! Just here to support projects still on GitHub, not M$. :)
Marcel Eichner Ephigenia
Staff Engineer at @bitly (@Egoditor). Clean and fast performing JavaScript & PHP since 2001. Learning GoLang. Father and BBQ enthusiast.

Bitly Berlin / Germany

Lars Mühlbauer lm41
Studying at RWTH and maintainer of @florisboard

Aachen, Germany

pajowu pajowu

@okfde @fragdenstaat @bugbakery Berlin

Gil Desmarais gildesmarais
Full-stack web developer. No data? No decision!

Berlin, Germany