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Pablo RM murapa96
Software Developer with a focus on web development encompassing both Frontend and Backend. Experienced in cross-platform application development.

Nova Industria Galega SL Spain

MoonBerry iuy1


nazze nazzeDe

Qingdao University of Science and Technology

John Wei johngai19
Solution Architect | AI & Data Science Expert | IoT & Cloud Full-Stack Developer | PMP

Fano Lab Hong Kong

Michele Martone michelemartone
Author of the FIM image viewer and the LIBRSB "Sparse BLAS" library for sparse matrices

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Germany

Amin AB amin-abbasiy
Unlearning to Relearn, Crafting My Creations

Berlin Metropolitan Area

René Schwarzer ReneSchwarzer
Computer scientist with a penchant for big things: Always on the lookout for new challenges and innovative solutions.

Cottbus, Germany

gsr gray95
theoretical/computational physicist

Santander, Spain

Boyd Kelly boydkelly

Coast Business Technologies Vancouver BC Canada

Ruslan Shchuchkin ruslanshchuchkin
Data Scientist | Indie-builder | Biohacking enthusiast


Ryan RyanPaulMcKenna
Robotics Research Engineer

United Kingdom

Jung Han junghan0611
Meditations on Technology, Learning, Life with Text-editor #pkm #toolsforlife #emacs #hangul #lisp #authology


Jinglue batkiz


Sajid Reshamwala sajidsan

Jut, Inc. San Fran, CA