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WGT WashingtonGT
The project focuses on security compliance automation. Make the security compliance process easy understandable and effortless
Ilayda Turgut iturgut
Apprentice DevOps Engineer @ Liatrio!

@liatrio Chico

John Hillegass JohnHillegass
Cloud Security | Containers | OSS

Richmond, VA

Densell Peters III densellp
"I will make a Rouges Apprentice of you yet" - Brigsy (Sea of Thieves)

Liatrio United States

Nathan Bryant NcollegeB
Cs Major. If your not committing then what are you doing?

Chico State University (B.S of Computer Science) Chico

Jay Polo jayepolo
"If you want to go far, go together." Fostering trusted relationships to deliver on the promise of technology transformation.

Liatrio Greater Boston

Gibson Smith gdsmith1
Computer Science Major at CSU, Chico Apprentice DevOps Engineer at Liatrio
Jonathon Rudy JonRudy
CSU-Chico Computer Science Major DevOps Engineer @ Liatrio

Chico California

Wellington Cristi Vilela Santana Wellington01

@kodustech Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil

Daniel Starns danstarns
Working with people and companies in open source.


Mitchell Phillips mitchell-liatrio

@liatrio Rogers, Arkansas, United States

Duong Le naviocean

BHO Network Hanoi, Vietnam

Matt Frey matt6frey
Software Developer | GCP Certified Professional Cloud Architect

Calgary, AB

Lam Tran tranngoclam
Software Engineer 🔥

Grab Vietnam

alexis aungkohtat
Cloud Infrastructure Engineer | Passionate About Cloud ☁️

Bangkok, Thailand

Rashian Burns naztyroc
DevOps / SysAdmin you can talk to..

Wan Scape Consulting NY / NC

Daniel Hagen dbhagen
Senior DevOps Engineer @liatrio

@liatrio Austin, TX

Christopher Friedrich chrfrdr

@KoerberPharmaSoftwareGmbH Lüneburg

Kandice Hendricks KandiceLynne
Consulting Manager - Dedicated Leader and Mentor - AWS/Azure Principal Architect and specialty in DevOps

Sinking Spring, PA

Wilson Mar wilsonmar

# Working in an off-grid truck. If only.

David Michael 1davidmichael

David Michael Des Moines, IA

Devin W. Leaman 4lch4
I'm just some guy who likes making and fixing things that usually involve a keyboard and/or a mouse.


Erik Peterson ErikPeterson42

Atmosera Hallowell, Maine

Ethan Jones ethanejones
Lead DevOps Engineer @ Liatrio

Liatrio Lafayette, LA

Yusuf Scott yusufscott

Liatrio Columbia, MO

Carl Jenkins carl-bigred
Client Principal - Liatrio

Liatrio New York, New York

Robert Kelly RobertKelly
I'm passionate about DevOps and accelerating delivery. Always learning and finding new ways to improve.

@liatrio Present

Daniel Reznicek dreznicek

defi SOLUTIONS Arkansas