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Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Gabryel Nóbrega see7e
Curious like a child, stubborn (determined) like an old man. 😄

Byon Solutions Porto, Portugal

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Benjamin Bruun benjaminbruun
developing software for telco and IoT devices

Onomondo Copenhagen, Denmark

ashish ashish111333
contributing to OSS / Golang /


JimFyyc jimf99 (I seldom Stream or do YouTube stuff)

-na- YYC = Calgary Alberta Canada airport code

Robert Holling rholling

Holling + Stenzel, IT-Consulting Lingen

Marcus marcusgh-py
Finding the best InfoSec and DevOps Engineers while discovering Hacking, Cloud, Python and Automation in my spare time!

TrustIn London

JioCreators JioCreators
We♥️ Creators. @JioCreators


Pratik Raj Rajpratik71 , Linux @Semicode-OS , Virtualization , Networking , Cloud , Telecom, Stroage, Security & Observability (Monitoring,Logging)

@IBM Pune

Emerson Muñoz Emerson-Mu
IP Networks, Core Networks and Cloud Technologies

PUCP Lima, Peru

PanKarfa PanKarfa
Into robotics and software.
Vinicius Vollrath viniciusvollrath
Nem Freud explica!

@Classroom-Pro Brasil

Abdelaziz Elrashed vzool
الاحساس بالجهل نعمة | Feeling Ignorance is a Blessing


Vincent Lam vincenthlam
An Engineer's Engineer


Diogo Figueiredo diogofigueiredo
UX/UI Designer & Developer


wolinet Rb-tech-byte
IT specialist, working on Blockchain Technology , Cloud computing and Machine Learning


Elvis Nuno enuno
Digital Nomad & Blockchain Evangel. Technology solutions architect specializing in telecom infrastructure, DevOps, automation, and distributed systems.

United States

Justin Malonson justin-malonson Suspended
Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Investor & Blockchain Architect.

@Lyfebloc-Network United States