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Chetan Chaudhari chetanchaudhari789
| • Computer Student | • web dev |

Jalgaon , maharastra.

Varun chauhan chauhan-varun
Impossible can be achieved ❤️‍🔥

haryana, India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ankit Dubey ankitdube74
Front End Web Developer 🙌 | Hustling With Code👨‍💻 | Tech Enthusiast 💻 | Student📘 |

InfoBay Mumbai

Aman Kumbhalwar amanrk2801
I am a passionate and skilled software engineer with experience in various programming languages and frameworks.

JSM Masterclass Experience Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abhishek Singh abhiya492
I am a passionate full-stack developer with expertise in DevOps, React, Node.js, NextJs . I thrive on tackling new challenges and enjoy collaborations.
Harsh Bhardwaj HA2345567
I build software with laptop, That's simple :)
Kıraç Armağan Önal TheArmagan
he/him | Full-stack Developer

Discord: thearmagan Kadıköy, İstanbul, Türkiye

MD ARFIN md-arfin-cse
Passionate Geek with Love for 💻 Computer Science B-Tech CSE 💻 NCE Chandi | Computer Science Engineer | Passionate Coder

Associate Software Engineer Earth - INDIA 🇮🇳



unxcy mewjiklive
grazing on CUDA cores


Rushab Taneja Rushabt11
A Developer who tries to develop New Problems over the Globe and Solve them on their own. Started the Journey of Coding from Helllo Rushab to coming up on Git


hawskpy hawskpy
Android, iOS,PHP,Node.js

China Beijing

Rushab 0xTaneja
Seeking New Challenges as a Full Stack Developer
Atul Deep Singh Atul090
Software Engineer


DK syphrpunk
Blockchain Ops, Legal, Strategy, Philosophy, Meta-Economics, Org Structures, Governance Paradigms

@premian-labs, @poweredbyanons, @premia-frontend, @premia-gov .hack//MetaVerse

Neeraj Jagga neerajjagga
Hi, I am 3rd year undergrad student. Passionate about web development, learning MERN stack.

Mohali, India

Ajeet Singh Shekhawat Kr-Ajeetsingh

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur India

ve vaebe

唐诗 @pc

Aman Joshi Aman-Joshi989
🤔 Fullstack Developer 🌱 Learning more about Entrepreneurship, CryptoCurrencies, Automations and Algorithms. ⚡️ Fun fact: I like swimming.


Kiran Kumar Kiran-pro2001
I'm a Passionate & Consistent Software Developer who is obsessed with the Idea of Using Software to Solve Practical Problems 🔥💪.

Software Developer @Glamstitch Bangalore

Anupam Mahato itsAnupamMahato
aspiring data scientist


Royal royaals
Full Stack Developer | Exploring Distributed Systems & Gen AI
Suyash Jain J-Suyash
I write shit code which works 🚀


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

manish manishmuchhadiya
I am always eager to learn new things and expand my knowledge base which allows me to constantly adapt and improve me to provide better assistance.

Marwadi University Morbi,Gujarat

Vedant Padole VedantPadole52
Software Development Engineer (SDE) || Full Stack Developer.( MERN STACK ) || Building Scalable Web Soution || Passionate about Start-up Ideas || Tech-Driven


Paras Joshi Paarasjoshi
Crafting Tomorrow's Innovations

Graphic Era University Uttarakhand

Vikas vikas780
Frontend Developer || JavaScript || React || Next || API || Ex-GET @orange || Ex- Intern @orange || SU CS 2018-22 || Love UI designing || MERN stack

Shoolini university Himachal Pradesh, India

Abdul Hafis Mohammed pious2847
🚀 Full Stack Developer | Web • Mobile • Software ⚡️ Crafting seamless experiences from front-end to back-end 🛠 Turning ideas into robust, scalable apps
vineeth Thungani vineeth-0509