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Philipp Trentmann philipptpunkt
Software developer. React and React Native (Next and Expo). Some backend stuff as well. Start-Ups and Scale-Ups.


Paya Moghtanem payamoghtanem
🚀 Telecom Performance Analyst | Data Enthusiast | Aspiring Product & Project Manager in Business Informatic | Committed to Customer and Business

Self-employment Germany

Jesus Gonzalez BasaJess
# Hi there, I'm Jesus Gonzalez 👋

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Its.Bezi Uchiha2102
Hi, I'm Bezi 👨‍💻 Currently learning Java and building small projects. 📌 Interested in Web Development


Bjoern bbeck-hh


wolfgang wotography
filmeditor & hobby web ethusiast. no real coding knowledge but helping tacle issues and bugs as much as I can.


Anis Mahmud Khokon Khokon130990
Microbial Ecology, Computational Biology and Biostatistics

Functional Forest Ecology, University of Hamburg Hamburg, Germany

Kevin kevinldg
IT specialist for system integration and junior developer


Eduardo Garcia dubbbis
Product Engineer & Data Scientist
Denise Albrecht denoerss
Creative Technologist and Communicatin Designer 💻


Sergii Zaslavets ImMrSage
Passionate and detail-oriented Web Developer with a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS and Node.js.

Germany, Hamburg

Uschi Hofmann uschihofmann Frankfurt am Main

Chiara Mezzavilla samurang87
Cake is always the answer.


Merna Hesham MernaHesham
Data Scientist with a great passion for teaching.
Yassine Belloum YassBe
PhD in liquid biopsy & translational cancer research