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Álvaro Sánchez Villar S-Villar
Associate Research Physicist at PPPL PhD in Fluid Mechanics

PPPL Princeton

Evan Dodd EvanDodd
Scientist in the Plasma Theory and Applications group.

Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM

Ryan Coffee ryancoffee
Experimental AMO Physicist, xFEL, Fusion, and Computational Research Scientist focused on multi-domain streaming Edge to Exascale Computing.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo Park, California

Måns I. Andersson MaansAndersson
Ph.D. student at KTH

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm

Karim Elgammal KarimElgammal
come with research background with focus on scientific computing simulations in domains of semiconductors & battery materials looking for jobs!

Västerås, Sweden

Rasim Mamutov Rasimilian
Tier 3 Accelerator Physicist/Programmer from Novosibirsk.

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Russia, Novosibirsk

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

ECNU—>SIOM now am studying in USTC for one year

East China Normal University —> Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics Shanghai, China

kcassou kevinCassou

CNRS/IN2P3 France

Int dhlolo

Shanghai, China

Axel Huebl ax3l
computational physicist • accelerates accelerator research • laser-plasma aficionado • PByte connoisseur

LBNL, previously HZDR Berkeley, CA

Frank S. Tsung tsung1029
Frank S. Tsung Plasma Physicist from UCLA, developer of OSIRIS, and UPIC-EMMA 2.0.

UCLA Los Angeles, CA

David Jewell proteindj
Research Interests: Math and Physics in Molecular and Biological Sciences
Sergei Bastrakov sbastrakov
Tech Lead AI for a GPU cloud. Formerly computational scientist in Exascale plasma simulation

@Northern-Data-AG, previously HZDR Germany

Marco Garten n01r
Post-Doc, Computational Physicist

LBNL ATAP Berkeley, CA

Stephan Kuschel skuschel
Physicist, researcher.

TU Darmstadt Darmstadt, Germany