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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Matt Shaw matthew-shaw
Principal Software Engineer at @LandRegistry & Owner of @MashSoftware

@LandRegistry Tavistock, UK

Cong Le CongLeSolutionX
iOS Developer | Generative AI | Medium Tech Writer | Computer Science, B.S.


Chris White maverickg59

@five9-cyber Orange County, CA

Moritz Glantz MoritzGiessmann
UX-Engineer ยท Accessibility Expert ยท Content Creator

Karlsruhe, Germany

Hugues Gouttebroze gouttebroze
JavaScript & Java programmer


Edward Moulsdale wheatear-dev
MSc student at the University of Oxford. Loves Open Source game tech ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Skyler Elmstrom DOH-SRE1303
Public Health Informatics Specialistโ€โ€ Washington State Department of Health | Prevention and Community Health | Informatics and Advanced Analytics

Washington State Department of Health Seattle, WA

jason-me jason-me
Accessibility Engineer with interest in Open-Source projects that enhance human freedom.
Nat Marahiris
Hello ! I'm a self-taught developer, preparing my professional reconversion. I've been an archaeologist, then a school teacher and now a games librarian.


Parker Higgins h-parker-higgins
Chief Strategy Officer @wesalute

Salt Lake City, UT

Kazi Jahurul Islam KaziJahurul
Frontend Developer

@ScilifelabDataCentre Uppsala, Sweden

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
๎ญ‡๎ญŽ๎ญŒ๎ญ„ ๎ญŽ๎ญ… ๎ญ“๎ญ‡๎ญ„ Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

ENVY clashatdemonhead
~ And when I'm alone in bed at night I'm wishin' you were holdin' me tight

Singer of the band 'Labrador Peninsula'

Hiranthi Herlaar hiranthi

Onexa The Netherlands

Divyaraj Masani divyarajmasani
FrontEnd + WordPress Engineer,


Jaime Iniesta jaimeiniesta

Freelance Girona, Spain

DevDesign dev-designs
Just a Frontend Developer from Deutschland based in North Carolina.
Marco Spinello marcospinello
tech writer โœ๏ธ | docs-as-code ๐Ÿ“ | cats ๐Ÿพ | very heavy metal ๐Ÿค˜


Lee Peterson leepeterson
Full-Stack Human

Summerville, SC

Tattood Ginger tizzytaz
Iโ€™m exploring, reading, and attempting this, not very successfully though

Freelance/self employed columbus, ohio

Paul PaulB-H
Non Paradisi

Toronto, ON, Canada

Niels Langlotz typoniels
Webdev in Love with TYPO3 CMS, Angular, Gitlab & Neo4J.

TYPONiels @typoniels-de Gifhorn

Liz GingerKiwi.Dev GingerKiwi
JavaScript & React Developer | 5+ Years WordPress Developer | SEO Technical Content Writer | C#.NET | CPACC and Web Accessibility Specialist Cert Candidate โ™ฟ

Toronto, Canada

Breno Pittoli pittoli
That manatee with headphones you believe you've seen.

National Disability Insurance Agency Melbourne, Australia

Brandon McClure brandonmcclure
Tool maker, Father, gamer, and hacker. Sometimes I write useful code and I try to share successes and failures to build local resilience.

City of Fort Collins Fort Collins, CO

Jesse Gardner plasticmind
Helping developers and designers work together better. Currently doing @ NYS. Formerly @ Fox, Simply Recipes, and AMC Networks. Been at this web stuff since '95

Plasticmind Design Upstate NY

GARA anggaranet
Web Dev/Game Dev
Simon Phumin Schweikert SimonPhumin
๐Ÿ’… Product Designer | Digital Accessibility, UX & Front-end Development

Schweikert Consulting Nuremberg

Jeff Knaack knaackbuilt
Web & Accessibility Engineering Lead for @OGS-Digital-Service and Pro-Union. Inclusion isn't controversial. Opinions are my own, my work is public.

@OGS-Digital-Service Upstate New York

FlorP Florbts

montevideo, uruguay