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David F. Snyder davidfsnyder
Ph.D. in Geometric Topology (1988) . Researching formal methods applied to studies of TOP/PL/Simplicial manifolds, and applications to data studies.

Logically Sound LLC Austin, Texas, USA

Marvin Pommerening marvinpom
PhD Candidate @ ArianeGroup GmbH | Technical University of Munich (TUM)

ArianeGroup GmbH | Technical University of Munich (TUM) Munich

Vishal Indivar Kandala VishalKandala
PhD Student, Mechanical Engineering

Texas A&M University College Station, TX, USA

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Alessandro Pedone alessandropedone
MSc Mathematical Engineering student

Politecnico di Milano Milan

Yangen Shen hakertop
Landscape Evolution Model. Please contact me by [email protected]

Nanjing Normal University Nanjing

Tammy Wise TLWise
Dabbler in FEM.

The University of South Carolina Columbia

ankit malik ankit72242

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad

Researcher at Utrecht University

Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands

Trading of coins in coins wallets Gmail address : [email protected] Phone number : 09078451759

Business service

Alejandro Cornejo AlejandroCornejo
PhD Civil Engineer at UPC-CIMNE, Barcelona Non linear solid mechanics, Thermomechanics, FSI, Fracture, Composites

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona

tianwen_TAN Ttw0626
I (China) am phd course student, super-interested any aspect of Computational Material and Numerical Analysis.

University of Tsukuba JAPAN

Kürşat Yurt kursatyurt
Research Associate @tum Scientific Research Software Developer


Dwight Zhang dwight-zhang
Less is more

LSEC.AMSS.CAS Beijing.China

Rodolfo Oliveira roliveira

@Equinor Bergen, Norway

Talk is cheap!
C++ Python and C. Working on creating unnamed programming language X.

Bristol, UK

Ph.D. student in Computational Science and Engineering researching GPU-accelerated preconditioners and solvers for sparse linear problems; M.Sc. in physics.

ZITI, Heidelberg U Heidelberg, Germany

Wenyin Wei WenyinWei
Graduate student in USTC & IPP-CAS, China

Institute for Plasma Physics, CAS Hefei, Anhui Province, China