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Two branches diverged in a repo. And sorry I could not commit to both And be one contributor, long I stood And looked at one as long as I could To where ...


Rubens Franco francomile
Senior Systems Engineer | DevOps. Solutions Engineer at @varnish

@varnish Spain

Vladimir Kiselev rhiskey
 MENG | Professional tutor and the developer behind Cosmo Engine by @CyberKoalaStudios

CyberKoala LLC

D. Kayse realdouglaskayse
𝑈𝑛 𝑢𝑜𝑚𝑜 𝑐ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑒 𝑛𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑢𝑒.

KAYSE Enterprises São Paulo

Filippo Brigati filippobrigati

@GAB-Tamagnini-S-R-L Reggio Emilia

Murugesh JLP GusherUm

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu, India

sumu Thatsduke
Into free livity
Jose Pablo Casas jocasas
Break something , have fun.


Tech Code dyapan33
YouTuber, Software Engineer

NO COMPANY Cambridge, England, UK

Duncan Kibet fsdkibe
Java, Spring Boot, Kotlin, React Native, Docker and Kubernetes.

@lipa-later Nairobi, Kenya

Frank Frank-Kam
Info-Sec guy from ICEDTEA && Backend Developer

Taoyuan Municipal Dayuan International Senior High School Taiwan (R.O.C)

Naseer Ullah Awan NaseerUllahAwan
Web Developer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, MYSQL, Blogger, Flutter.

Coming Soon!!! Pakistan

Loïc De Deyn lodedeyn
Fell in love with programming in 2023. Went back to school at 27 to pursue my goals.

Brussels, Belgium

Justin Stanley Agent5054
Policy analyst and dedicated servant of at least three domestic animals.

Lexington, KY, USA

Luis Miguel Sánchez LuisMiSanVe
🇪🇸 💻 Spanish Fullstack Developer

ADV SI Spain

Sarvwigyan Sarvwigyan
Exploring the universe of science, technology, and innovation to inspire and educate

Sarvwigyan Buxar, Bihar

King tdadadavid
King | Software Engineer | Computer Scientist | Priest

NITHUB Lagos , Nigeria

Kiran Adari kiran-adari
MSCS Student @ Rutgers University | Full Stack Developer | AI Enthusiast

United States

Simon Gideon SimonGideon
Software developer || Web Technologies enthusiast. || Stack: JavaScript |React & Redux|Ruby & Rails| Looking for my next role!

Nairobi, Kenya

Hans Krommenhoek hanskrommenhoek
Docent ICT at Vista College

Vista College Sittard, The Netherlands

Mostafa Barmshory mostafabarmshory

MoonSun Soft Melbourne, Australia

Cyprien Quéméneur CyprienQuemeneur
Recent ML graduate. Lost in latent space techno-optimist. Previously worked on federated learning and computer vision @PolytechniqueMontreal.


Hamdi KHELIL hamdikh

Kapheira Paris, France