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Software Engineer - AWS ElastiCache
Nikhil Manglore Nikhil-Manglore
CS @ Purdue

Palo Alto , California

Nikolay Kostov nickkostov
42 @envadava and @weareplanet

Endava Sofia

rhadiwib rhadiwib
open source

none ID

Louis-Philippe Préfontaine-Dastous dastous
Data Science, ML, NLP, RPA applications | Avid Learner, Explorer, Seeker | Strategic Thinker
Wittano Bonarotti Wittano
Hello :3 My name is Wittano-chan. I'm ordinary 25 yo femboy gamer UwU. I type some codes, do something weird in terminal and be Linux user hihi


Abdul Hannan hannanhafeez
App Developer, MERN Stack, tech geek, interested in cross platform mobile app development and graphic designing. Favorite Programming Languages: Rust

IOTA Networks Islamabad, Pakistan

Alican Ertop alicanertop
Computer Science Turkey

xb ssbandjl
keep learn


Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
小辉辉 MrXhh
A developer


HuyCT huydevct

Hanoi, Vietnam

Hai Nguyen nduyhai
Just keep working

VNG I'm right here

lasse lassejlv
writing stuff I don't understand

@companyoung Earth

Augustus Nguyen augustus281

Ho Chi Minh City

Chen Tianjie CharlesChen888
Trying to be a cool guy.

The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR, China

유동진 ydj515




MegaBytee MegaBytee
Hello, I am a software engineer. You can call me MB. Interest : #Golang #Bitcoin #Nostr #TS #Serverless #DevOps #Blockchain.

Hivemash Web

Michael Silverman SnowdenWintermute
I build web applications


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


guoyuecn guoyuecn
Developer Marketing Manager @AWScloud GCR Like coke & Hot Pot & RAP😏

AWS Los Angeles