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Juan Jesús Gómez Noya burus86
Senior developer · PHP · Symfony · Best Practices · Clean Code (DRY, KISS, YAGNI) · Hexagonal architecture · DDD · SOLID Principles · Design Patterns · Testing

Rianxo, Spain

Daniel Felix itsdanielfelix
Senior Developer and a PHP lover

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Ahmed EBEN HASSINE 脳の流れ ahmed-bhs
PHP/Symfony enthusiast. Backend Engineer. CTF player.

@codein @becareful France

Ryan Hendrickson rynhndrcksn
Software engineer in the Greater Seattle Area.

SiteCrafting Inc Greater Seattle Area

Oliver Kossin TheCadien
Symfony Developer 👨🏼‍💻


En reconversion professionnelle, pour devenir développeur full Stark. J'ai une forte expérience en maintenance information de 2004 ⇒ aujourd'hui.
Matthieu Lempereur MrYamous
PHP Developer | Symfony & Laravel | Projects contributor

Savoie - France

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

fengdi721 fengdi721
A developer based Paris area, i'm developer of NodeJS, PHP, Golang, Python, C/C++ ... coding with love, live with coding


Emanuel Bitkov ebitkov
Full Stack Developer

@Regenta Germany

Katerina Akilah H. sumokario
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Software Engineer

Rask-D Technology Ltd Kigali, Rwanda

Orazio Maico mainick
Senior Web Application Developer. I'm software engineer passionate coder and web programmer. Big fan of technology. #php #symfony #javascript #reactjs

@weBeetle Salerno

Wolf serotoninja
Developing software for over 25 years. Learning until retirement and beyond.

Software Engineer at [Confidential] Cologne, Germany

Michaël Perrin michaelperrin
Sustainable web development.

Paris, France

Mat dubomatik

Marseille, France

Evert Harmeling evertharmeling

Your Sport Pro BV Eindhoven

Marko Kaznovac kaznovac
Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.

@byteout Belgrade, Serbia

Christoph Steltner nplhse
Doctor working in the #ICU. Has something to do with emergency medicine and #DataScience.

Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Kassel, Germany Kassel, Germany

Franz Zieris fzieris

Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) Karlskrona, Sweden

Younes ENNAJI yoeunes
Symfony Certified Developer passionate about open source, Linux, and PHP.

Marrakech, Morocco

Bebeto Alves bebetoalves

Else Consultoria Russas, Ceará, Brazil

Gaël Reyrol gaelreyrol
Fullstack & Ops, @42school 2013 alumni, looking for a new job

Lille, France

Philipp Rieber bicpi
PHP&Symfony Certified Software Engineer

ottonova services GmbH Munich, Germany

Simon André smnandre
PHP/Symfony developer & UI/UX enthusiast ⋅ Core @symfony UX member

@sensiolabs Rennes, France

Thomas deluxetom

SCTR Services Chicago

Adamo Crespi Aerendir
Founder of Serendipity HQ. E-commerce is my soul - Development is my passion - Open Source is my mind. See my organization for other interesting repos!

@SerendipityHQ Between Naples and Salerno, Italy

Maxime Morlet MaxiCom
➜ Développeur PHP Symfony

MaxiCom Montpellier, France

Patrick Siemen siemendev
welcome to my digital playground

KlickTipp Bremen

Alexander Schranz alexander-schranz
Core Developer @sulu likes @php, @symfony, @elasticsearch, @redis, react js. Working at SEAL - The Search Engine Abstraction Layer for PHP (@PHP-CMSIG)

Sulu GmbH (@sulu) Dornbirn, Austria

Martin Århof lsv

Scandesigns Copenhagen / Malmö

Andrii Savytskyi qRoC
Rust / Go | Crypto

Ukraine( Kiev )

Julien RAVIA JulienRAVIA
Some of my repositories are private. If you are a recruiter, feel free to ask me access to ! 25yo back-end & Symfony developer Passionated by PHP Ecosystem

@mapado localhost

Jacob Dreesen jdreesen
Most Valuable Pimconaut 2020

@teamneusta Bremen, Germany

Dynèsh Hassanaly artyuum
Enjoys working with @php @symfony @nodejs @angular @tailwindcss and been playing around with @golang & @dart-lang lately.
