Write a function to find the closest value in the BST to a given target integer.
The BST contains BST nodes. Each node stores an integer in a property called "value", and two children in properties called "left" and "right".
A Node is said to be a BST node if and only if it satisfies the following property:
- Its value is greater than the nodes values to its left,
- Its value is less than or equal to the node values to its right
- Both its children are either BST nodes or None values.
We'll define the BST and the function that finds the closest value to the target integer contained in the BST.
Sample Input:
10 Target: 12
/ \
5 15
/ \ | \
2 5 13 22
/ \
1 14
Output: 13
import math
class BST:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
def insert(self, value):
if value < self.value:
if self.left is None:
self.left = BST(value)
if self.right is None:
self.right = BST(value)
return self
def findClosestValueInBst(tree, target):
First start with infinity as the closest value to the target,
so that we have something to compare to the
absolute value difference of (first node - target)
closest = math.inf
root = tree
while root is not None:
if root.value == target:
return root.value
if abs(root.value - target) < abs(closest - target):
closest = root.value
if root.value < target:
root = root.right
elif root.value > target:
root = root.left
return closest
bst = BST(10).insert(5).insert(2).insert(5).insert(1).insert(5).insert(15) \
findClosestValueInBst(bst, 12)