* Nokia :)
* arrow keys
* SPACE to pause
* 3 levels
* level #1 and #2 => walls
* level #2 => you go through borders
* bonus food
* adds half the score
* as you eat the snake goes faster
> changing score via Observer/Observable pattern
> implement the game space as a TableLayoutPanel
> row and column as index
> game element as special subclass of Control
> custom margin, name etc.
> I guess implement it in XNA framework (VB.NET's not officially supported)
> System.Windows.Forms.Control object
Windows.Forms can't handle tons of moving Control objects
what it was designed for
so they blink
> every grid of game space has a so-called 1px "margin.All"
> calling 'quit' method on a SnakeGame instance issues ApplicationExitCall
> written in VisualBasic.NET
> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express
> framework .NETv3.5