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Using Event instances rather than callbacks in asyncio device drivers can simplify their design and standardise their APIs. It can also simplify application logic.

This document assumes familiarity with asyncio. See official docs and unofficial tutorial.

0. Contents

  1. An alternative to callbacks in asyncio code
  2. Rationale
  3. Device driver design
  4. Primitives Facilitating Event-based application logic
    4.1 WaitAny Wait on any of a group of event-like objects
    4.2 WaitAll Wait on all of a group of event-like objects
    4.3 Nesting
  5. Event based programming
    5.1 Use of Delay_ms A retriggerable delay
    5.2 Long and very long button press
    5.3 Application example
  6. ELO class Convert a coroutine or task to an event-like object.
  7. Drivers Minimal Event-based drivers
    7.1 ESwitch Debounced switch
    7.2 EButton Debounced pushbutton with double and long press events

Appendix 1 Polling

1. An alternative to callbacks in asyncio code

Callbacks have two merits. They are familiar, and they enable an interface which allows an asynchronous application to be accessed by synchronous code. GUI frameworks such as micro-gui form a classic example: the callback interface may be accessed by synchronous or asynchronous code.

For the programmer of asynchronous applications, callbacks are largely unnecessary and their use can lead to bugs.

The idiomatic way to write an asynchronous function that responds to external events is one where the function pauses while waiting on the event:

async def handle_messages(input_stream):
    while True:
        msg = await input_stream.readline()
        await handle_data(msg)

Callbacks are not a natural fit in this model. Viewing the declaration of a synchronous function, it is not evident how the function gets called or in what context the code runs. Is it an ISR? Is it called from another thread or core? Or is it a callback running in a asyncio context? You cannot tell without trawling the code. By contrast, a routine such as the above example is a self contained process whose context and intended behaviour are evident.

The following steps can facilitate the use of asynchronous functions:

  1. Design device drivers to expose one or more bound Event objects. Alternatively design the driver interface to be that of an Event.
  2. Design program logic to operate on objects with an Event interface.

The first simplifies the design of drivers and standardises their interface. Users only need to know the names of the bound Event instances. By contast there is no standard way to specify callbacks, to define the passing of callback arguments or to define how to retrieve their return values.

There are other ways to define an API without callbacks, notably the stream mechanism and the use of asynchronous iterators with async for. This doc discusses the Event based approach which is ideal for sporadic occurrences such as responding to user input.

2. Rationale

Consider a device driver Sensor which has a bound Event object .ready. An application might run a task of form:

async def process_sensor():
    while True:
        await sensor.ready.wait()
        # Read and process sensor data

Note that the action taken might be to run a callback or to launch a task:

async def process_sensor():
    while True:
        await sensor.ready.wait()
        result = callback(args)

An Event interface allows callback-based code and makes straightforward the passing of arguments and retrieval of return values. However it also enables a progrmming style that largely eliminates callbacks. Note that all you need to know to access this driver interface is the name of the bound Event.

This doc aims to demostrate that the event based approach can simplify application logic by eliminating the need for callbacks.

The design of asyncio V3 and its Event class enables this approach because:

  1. A task waiting on an Event is put on a queue where it consumes no CPU cycles until the event is triggered.
  2. The design of asyncio can support large numbers of tasks (hundreds) on a typical microcontroller. Proliferation of tasks is not a problem, especially where they are small and spend most of the time paused waiting on queues.

This contrasts with other schedulers (such as asyncio V2) where there was no built-in Event class; typical Event implementations used polling and were convenience objects rather than performance solutions.

The Event class .clear method provides additional flexibility relative to callbacks:

  1. An Event can be cleared immediately after being set; if multiple tasks are waiting on .wait(), all will resume running.
  2. Alternatively the Event may be cleared later. The timing of clearing the Event determines its behaviour if, at the time when the Event is set, a task with an await event.wait() statement has not yet reached it. If execution reaches .wait() before the Event is cleared, it will not pause. If the Event is cleared, it will pause until it is set again.

3. Device driver design

This document introduces the idea of an event-like object (ELO). This is an object which may be used in place of an Event in program code. An ELO must expose a .wait asynchronous method which will pause until an event occurs. Additionally it can include .clear and/or .set. A device driver may become an ELO by implementing .wait or by subclassing Event or ThreadSafeFlag. Alternatively a driver may expose one or more bound Event or ELO instances.

ELO examples are:

Object wait clear set comments
Event Y Y Y
ThreadSafeFlag Y N Y Self-clearing
Message Y Y Y Subclass of above
Delay_ms Y Y Y Self-setting
WaitAll Y Y N See below
WaitAny Y Y N
ELO instances Y N N

The ELO class converts coroutines or Task instances to event-like objects, allowing them to be included in the arguments of event based primitives.

Drivers exposing Event instances include:

  • ESwitch Micro debounced interface to a switch.
  • EButton Micro debounced interface to a pushbutton.
  • Switch Similar but interfaces also expose callbacks.
  • Pushbutton

4. Primitives

Applying Events to typical logic problems requires two new primitives: WaitAny and WaitAll. Each is an ELO. These primitives may be cancelled or subject to a timeout with asyncio.wait_for(), although judicious use of Delay_ms offers greater flexibility than wait_for.

4.1 WaitAny

The constructor takes an iterable of ELO's. Its .wait method pauses until the first of the ELO's is set; the method returns the object that triggered it, enabling the application code to determine the reason for its triggering.

The last ELO to trigger a WaitAny instance may also be retrieved by issuing the instance's .event() method.

from primitives import WaitAny
async def foo(elo1, elo2):
    evt = await WaitAny((elo1, elo2)).wait()
    if evt is elo1:
        # Handle elo1

WaitAny has a clear method which issues .clear() to all passed ELO's with a .clear method.

4.2 WaitAll

The constructor takes an iterable of ELO's. Its .wait method pauses until all of the ELO's is set.

WaitAll has a clear method which issues .clear() to all passed ELO's with a .clear method.

4.3 Nesting

The fact that these primitives are ELO's enables nesting:

await WaitAll((event1, event2, WaitAny(event3, event4))).wait()

This will pause until event1 and event2 and either event3or event4 have been set.

5. Event based programming

5.1 Use of Delay_ms

The Delay_ms class is an ELO and can be used as an alternative to asyncio.wait_for: it has the advantage that it can be retriggered. It can also be stopped or its duration changed dynamically. In the following sample task_a waits on an Event but it also aborts if task_b stops running for any reason:

from primitives import Delay_ms, WaitAny
delay = Delay_ms(duration=1000)
async def task_b():
    while True:
        delay.trigger()  # Keep task_a alive
        # do some work
        await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)

async def task_a(evt):  # Called with an event to wait on
    while True:
        cause = await WaitAny((evt, delay)).wait()
        if cause is delay:  # task_b has ended
            delay.clear()  # Clear the Event
            return  # Abandon the task
        # Event has occurred
        # Do some work
        await asyncio.sleep_ms(0)

5.2 Long and very long button press

A user had a need to distinguish short, fairly long, and very long presses of a pushbutton. There was no requirement to detect double clicks, so the minimal ESwitch driver was used.

This solution does not attempt to disambiguate the press events: if a very long press occurs, the short press code will run, followed by the "fairly long" code, and then much later by the "very long" code. Disambiguating implies first waiting for button release and then determining which application code to run: in the application this delay was unacceptable.

async def main():
    btn = ESwitch(Pin('X17', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP), lopen=0)
    ntim = Delay_ms(duration = 1000)  # Fairly long press
    ltim = Delay_ms(duration = 8000)  # Very long press
    while True:
        ltim.stop()  # Stop any running timers and clear their event
        await btn.close.wait()
        ntim.trigger()  # Button pressed, start timers, await release
        ltim.trigger()  # Run any press code
        ev = await WaitAny((, ntim)).wait()
        if ev is
            # Run "short press" application code
        else:  # ev is ntim: Fairly long timer timed out
            # Run "fairly long" application code
            # then check for very long press
            ev = await WaitAny((, ltim)).wait()
            if ev is ltim:  # Long timer timed out
                # Run "very long" application code
        # We have not cleared the .open Event, so if the switch is already open
        # there will be no delay below. Otherwise we await realease.
        # Must await release otherwise the event is cleared before release
        # occurs, setting the release event before the next press event.

Disambiguated version. Wait for button release and decide what to do based on which timers are still running:

async def main():
    btn = ESwitch(Pin('X17', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP), lopen=0)
    ntim = Delay_ms(duration=1000)  # Fairly long press
    ltim = Delay_ms(duration=8000)  # Very long press
    while True:
        ltim.stop()  # Stop any running timers and clear their event
        await btn.close.wait()
        ntim.trigger()  # Button pressed, start timers, await release
        ltim.trigger()  # Run any press code
        # Button released: check for any running timers
        if not ltim():  # Very long press timer timed out before button was released
            # Run "Very long" code
        elif not ntim():
            # Run "Fairly long" code
            # Both timers running: run "short press" code

5.3 Application example

A measuring instrument is started by pressing a button. The measurement normally runs for five seconds. If the sensor does not detect anything, the test runs until it does, however it is abandoned if nothing has been detected after a minute. While running, extra button presses are ignored. During a normal five second run, extra detections from the sensor are ignored.

This can readily be coded using callbacks and synchronous or asynchronous code, however the outcome is likely to have a fair amount of ad hoc logic.

This event based solution is arguably clearer to read:

from primitives import EButton, WaitAll, Delay_ms
btn = EButton(args)  # Has Events for press, release, double, long
bp =
sn = Sensor(args)  # Assumed to have an Event interface.
tm = Delay_ms(duration=5_000)  # Exposes .wait and .clear only.
events = (sn, tm)
async def foo():
    while True:
        bp.clear()  # Ignore prior button press
        await bp.wait()  # Button pressed
        events.clear()  # Ignore events that were set prior to this moment
        tm.trigger()  # Start 5 second timer
            await asyncio.wait_for(WaitAll(events).wait(), 60)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            print("No reading from sensor")
            # Normal outcome, process readings

6. ELO class

This converts a task to an "event-like object", enabling tasks to be included in WaitAll and WaitAny arguments. An ELO instance is a wrapper for a Task instance and its lifetime is that of its Task. The constructor can take a coroutine or a task as its first argument; in the former case the coro is converted to a Task.

Constructor args

  1. coro This may be a coroutine or a Task instance.
  2. *args Positional args for a coroutine (ignored if a Task is passed).
  3. **kwargs Keyword args for a coroutine (ignored if a Task is passed).

If a coro is passed it is immediately converted to a Task and scheduled for execution.

Asynchronous method

  1. wait Pauses until the Task is complete or is cancelled. In the latter case no exception is thrown.

Synchronous method

  1. __call__ Returns the instance's Task. If the instance's Task was cancelled the CancelledError exception is returned. The function call operator allows a running task to be accessed, e.g. for cancellation. It also enables return values to be retrieved.

Usage example

In most use cases an ELO instance is a throw-away object which allows a coro to participate in an event-based primitive:

evt = asyncio.Event()
async def my_coro(t):
    await asyncio.wait(t)

async def foo():  # Puase until the event has been triggered and coro has completed
    await WaitAll((evt, ELO(my_coro, 5))).wait()  # Note argument passing

Retrieving results

A task may return a result on completion. This may be accessed by awaiting the ELO instance's Task. A reference to the Task may be acquired with function call syntax. The following code fragment illustrates usage. It assumes that task has already been created, and that my_coro is a coroutine taking an integer arg. There is an EButton instance ebutton and execution pauses until tasks have run to completion and the button has been pressed.

async def foo():
    elos = (ELO(my_coro, 5), ELO(task))
    events = (,)
    await WaitAll(elos + events).wait()
    for e in elos:  # Retrieve results from each task
        r = await e()  # Works even though task has already completed

This works because it is valid to await a task which has already completed. The await returns immediately with the result. If WaitAny were used an ELO instance might contain a running task. In this case the line

r = await e()

would pause before returning the result.


The Task in ELO instance elo may be retrieved by issuing elo(). For example the following will subject an ELO instance to a timeout:

async def elo_timeout(elo, t):
    await asyncio.sleep(t)
    elo().cancel()  # Retrieve the Task and cancel it

async def foo():
    elo = ELO(my_coro, 5)
    await WaitAll((elo,  # Until button press and ELO either finished or timed out

If the ELO task is cancelled, .wait terminates; the exception is retained. Thus WaitAll or WaitAny behaves as if the task had terminated normally. A subsequent call to elo() will return the exception. In an application where the task might return a result or be cancelled, the following may be used:

async def foo():
    elos = (ELO(my_coro, 5), ELO(task))
    events = (,)
    await WaitAll(elos + events).wait()
    for e in elos:  # Check each task
        t = e()
        if isinstance(t, asyncio.CancelledError):
            # Handle exception
        else:  # Retrieve results
            r = await t  # Works even though task has already completed

7. Drivers

The following device drivers provide an Event based interface for switches and pushbuttons.

7.1 ESwitch

This is now documented here.

7.2 EButton

This is now documented here.

Documentation for Keyboard, SwArray and RingbufQueue has also moved to primtives.

100 Appendix 1 Polling

The primitives or drivers referenced here do not use polling with the following exceptions:

  1. Switch and pushbutton drivers. These poll the Pin instance for electrical reasons described below.
  2. ThreadSafeFlag and subclass Message: these use the stream mechanism.

Other drivers and primitives are designed such that paused tasks are waiting on queues and are therefore using no CPU cycles.

This reference states that bouncing contacts can assume invalid logic levels for a period. It is a reasonable assumption that Pin.value() always returns 0 or 1: the drivers are designed to cope with any sequence of such readings. By contrast, the behaviour of IRQ's under such conditions may be abnormal. It would be hard to prove that IRQ's could never be missed, across all platforms and input conditions.

Pin polling aims to use minimal resources, the main overhead being asyncio's task switching overhead: typically about 250 μs. The default polling interval is 50 ms giving an overhead of ~0.5%.