April 18, 2018 9am-10:30am EST
- Announce Working Groups:
- Rules
- Tools
- People
- Open Source Day
- Agile Procurement Presentation
- Github Best Practices Presentation
- Roundtable
- To view the presentation please visit the Open Source Working Groups April 18 Presentation
- Rules
- Tools
- Jack will lead.
- Broad topic: Provide more understanding of people's technologies. Looking for collaboration: business and technical representation in this group.
- Proposing to move the meeting around. First one in Kanata and then alternate between different locations.
- People
For the working groups, there will be support from CIOB and the GCTools team. The Open Source Secretariat will be present at all of the working group meetings. The working groups will give a presentation of the work that they have done at the beginning of each Open Source Advisory Board meeting.
- To view the presentation please visit the Open Source Working Groups April 18 Presentation
- Target mid-June but we are working on it.
- There is an Open Government week happening across Canada through the Open Government Portal from May 7-11, 2018. There is the possibility to have an open source event during this week.
- To view the presentation please visit the Agile Procurement Presentation
- Procurement as a process designed for risk minimization.
- Focused on outcomes, no using RFPs
- Currently there is a draft definition but we need to figure out what are missing in agile procurement.
- Challenges: Licensing. How do we choose the right licence?
- Next steps for Agile Procurement
- How do we improve the incentives for open source tools within these types of challenges
- Clear definition of what we consider to be open source is required in this model-distinguish between full stack and partial
- Why did the accessibility procurement not work out?
- What do we mean by accessibility?
- Canadians that have a disability, i.e. physical, cognition.
- Accessibility by design and procurement is important
- Tools working group: PDFs, open source standards.
- Challenge in open government groups: need for open source documents, procurement and accessibility
- Are we overly tilting the scales?
- Is open source a best fit for procurement?
- Documents need to be accessible. Accessible by default.
- How do we improve the incentives for open source tools within these types of challenges?
- Clear definition of what we consider to be open source is required in this model-distinguish between full stack and partial
- Open Source tools can be used to support improvement of accessibility-aXe? Pa11y?- Mike gifford to confirm
- Will we get vendors from the non-open source for this model?
- Why is everything not open by default?
- Need to design correctly from the start
- Agile Procurement was very useful given that there was an improved understanding of what the challenge actually was
- Vendors appreciate the short cycle of the agile process
- How to scale- business owners to help design the solution- if we can get a bunch of different owners to participate
- If the procurement allows for future phases- this is where you are able to scale.
- What can be delivered for $75k- an MVP- determine next step proof of concept phase with potential of future phases
- Chris to share notes
- GCDEVExchange- fork of BC DevExchange
- Agile should have been baked into the project
- BCDEVExchange- participate in the reverse industry forum
- There are ways for vendors to innovate- find contractual mechanisms
- Expectations need to be clear from the onset
- Rodney: get executives to come for Open Source Day about BC DEV exchange. Public sector presenter
Please visit Enabling Open Source
- 27.7M users
- Collective intelligence is better than individual
- https://aka.ms/DocathonWiki
- BC DEVExchange
- Find work what is valued to you and you can go into the projects and contribute.
- Vendors: Can choose multiple vendors to solve a problem but this might be expensive. The challenge is that this process is used for small applications owned by the government of Canada.
- Interoperability between different ministries: traffic cameras on the highway but forestry dept. wanted to use their code for it to track forest fires
- co.gov: experimentation is being done with open resource exchange
- Capital One: example of how we connect to a community and contribute to it.
- RBC Example: Open source and inner source was key for this project
- Gitlab: similar Open Source product to Github
- The Drupal community is moving stuff to gitlab for better collaboration.
- Github has two version: The public version and the enterprise
- Gitlab is a good option for the Government
- Can you run your own node in the enterprise version? I.e. search blockchain on github enterprise, see everything that the different government departments are doing but public can't see it
- Can you transfer github enterprise to public? Yes
- Do you support classification of code?
- Need to be able to share code more- so that we can re-use
- What does the architecture look like?
- Objectively stylish
- Github does change terms of reference for government
- On the People / Culture track - I wanted to bring up the importance of bringing people to open source government events like https://www.drupalgovcon.org/
- On procurement, I'd like to know if there are any best practices for open source procurement I might have missed here https://github.com/mgifford/open-source-contracting
- Where do / would open source procurement requests get posted? (For people to hear about them)
- Nice that in the USA it is spreading from the federal government to the state level - https://digitalservices.georgia.gov/blog/2018-04-03/georgia%E2%80%99s-digital-platform-building-people-serve-where-they-are
- Is the agile procurement idea only for using os? Or, if they win the contract, and develop new features, is there a process to contribute back the changes? Or would the changes be internal only?
- My understanding of the procurement side of things is that any code developed as part of the solution, would be released to government with an open source license
- Some agenda items for the Rules working group...
- What are the next steps for the working groups? Will we be meeting in the groups sometime soon?
- Establish a lead for the Rules and People working groups
- Melaine Robert: send email to Ashley for open government week.
- Determine date for Open Source Day
- Presentation on BC DEVexchange
- Standards and culture surrounding the use of open source code.
To view action items, please view our Projects board