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Open Source Advisory Board Meeting

May 16, 2018, 9:30-11am


  1. Update: Working Group Rules
  2. Update: Working Group Tools
  3. Update: Working Group People
  4. Working Group Alignment
  5. Leveraging Open Source for the Future Digital Landscape
  6. The DevExchange
  7. Roundtable

1. Update: Working Group Rules

To view the presentation, please go to the Rules Working Group Update May 2018

  • There is some overlap with the Open First Whitepaper, we need to look at what other topics are being discussed so that we are not having the same discussions
    • Reuse what is already out there
    • Deliverables
      1. Draft standard around open source for GC
      2. Finishing up the Whitepaper
      3. Define legal components/dependencies for each of the five major elements. Legal impacts to government like policy, procurement etc. This will feed into the business case

2. Update: Working Group Tools

To view this update, please view the Working Group Tools github page

  • Have an open source platform that went through the security and showed evidence, that is fully reusable for the other departments. Share which ones have security accreditation to this board
  • Show vendors how to get security accreditation- What is considered Protected B in the government
  • Drupal: misunderstanding about security. What is the process used within the community and the team that is maintaining it? What is management’s approach to securing software on the internet?
    • Something for the rules working group to work on

3. Update: Working Group People

To view this update please view the Working Group People github page

  • Don’t focus solely on the development skills but also the platform skills (engineering)
  • Benefits to business: both using OSS and changing the culture, bring back to OneGC
  • How do you maintain? Full life cycle of open source

If you are interested in participating in a working group or to be a chair please let Ashley know. We are still looking for a government chair for the rules and the tools working group.

Stephane Dufour from Statscan to be a co-chair for the tools working group?

4. Working Group Alignment

  • One member of Ashley's team will attend each working group meeting to help move the discussion forward and ensure that the work in aligning with the Whitepaper
  • Ashley's team will leverage subject matter experts to the different working groups
  • Draft presentations from working groups need to open by default.
  • Going forward we will have the working group updates at the end of the agenda and after the official agenda we will have a 30 minute informal discussion for the working groups to foster more collaboration between the working groups

5. Leveraging Open Source for the Future Digital Landscape

To view this presentation please view the Leveraging Open Source for the Future Digital Landscape

  • How can open source teams help us define tools to reach the digital landscape?
  • Where are the big opportunities for open source?
  • Government of Canada Digital standards
    • About our common view of what good looks like in the GC, key for going forward
  • Open source will fit in digital standard:
    • Collaborating widely
    • Work in the open by default
    • Use open standards and solutions
    • Design ethical services: ethics and open source
  • Enterprise Architecture Review Board (EARB) looks at all projects and investments going forward in the GC. When you come to EARB make sure you are following the digital model
  • Address the value of open source in the build it right rules


  • This model tells us to build tools and then release them.
  • Is the government of Canada looking to build and Xroad? Or use an existing one?
  • It is difficult for vendors to get a basic open platform up and running to do a prototype for a government department
    • Our systems of record approach for open source platforms are for certain pieces. Strangle pattern, i.e. we are not going to replace SAP but we can surround it with open source platforms
    • Majority of our architecture is ready for open source
  • How can open source help architecture patterns?
  • We would like your feedback on this presentation, please message Floyd Pushelberg

6. The DevExchange

To view this presentation please view The DevExchange presentation.

  • DevExchange: effort underway to ensure that proposals submitted for opportunities take very little time to complete (eg. one page not like an RFP).
  • Possible conflict with ProServices (mandatory supply arrangement for professional services) Update: ProServices team has advised that they "DO NOT see an overlap or conflict with the ProServices tool"
  • Ownership and governance: This project needs to be owned and governed by a different department, it is not in the mandate for PCO
  • Join the GCConnex group and help with peer review of draft opportunities
  • Email Rachel if you have any questions or create an issue on Github


  • Asked Todd Wilson to come to Ottawa to talk about the BC DevExchange: Best practices and lessons learned.
  • There are innovative procurement ways to responsibly use government money to advance the agenda and issues, we need to invest in people
  • Concern about bringing a solution requirement to the table. It is hard to get the department to say that this is beneficial at the micro level

7. Roundtable

  • There is a legal working group looking at open source by default with automated decisions applications. The rules working group could work with them.
  • How will Open Source be supported?
  • Encourage more business development in Canada
  • Iteration process- mechanisms for feedback aren't clear
  • Is the GC looking at tying what is happening with Open Source with the innovation program?
    • We will keep you posted on this

To view action items, please view our Projects board