July 18, 2018, 9am-10:30am
- Introduction
- Governance and Intellectual property of open source software
- Open First Whitepaper
- Open Standards and Open Source Software in the GC
- Update: Working Group Rules
- Update: Working Group People
- Update: Working Group Tools
- Roundtable
- Close/discussion of forward agenda
To view this presentation, please consult the Open Source at Microsoft issue
- Context: Have a better understanding about how governance can be structured so that we can make a decision when to use open source and when we shouldn’t within government of Canada
- Microsoft went from being non-open source to transition to open source
- Reason for the transition to open source: This is how you do software now
- Microsoft created an isolated part of the company that engaged in open source to learn how open source worked
- This led to the open source programs office that Jeff runs now Benefits of Open Source
- It drives you to engineer better because people are looking at your work
- Recruiting and retention is important, individuals are drawn to open source work since it is relevant and people want to engage in this type of work
- Forking: not engaging well with the community Guiding principles:
- Responsible and respectful of the community and licenses
- About 50% of open source is about people, be transparent with others Open Source Programs Office
- Enable engineering teams to be successful with open source
- Employees link their Microsoft identity with github identity
- Why shift to open source? How did the business overcome the financial incentive of proprietary source to open source?
- Understand where your value/contributions is and getting to it faster Policies and processes
- Support: being responsible to the company and respectful of the community (licences)
- Make it easy for engineering teams to do work
- We put up guardrails so that the engineering teams can do what they think is right but giving them boundaries and soft landing in case mistakes are made
- Most guardrails are automated
Reducing friction
- Need automation: make it go faster and gives you accurate data
- Delegate decisions: Give people policies and guardrails and let them drive
- We don’t have a central board in the company to review all open source use requests, rather it is distributed across the company to the local business teams to make those assessments. The open source programs office provides the guidance in this process
- Who is responsible for approving the code before it goes out?
- Based on each group
- In case of releasing: someone will register and say that they want to release a code, then it would go to a local business reviewer, based on risk it will go to a senior person to review business case and then legal and patent review. Next step: security checks, code clean up then it can be released.
- 1 overarching policy that guides everyone in Microsoft, get consistent set of policies and processes. Decision process should be the same across the company
Inner sourcing
- Messages from management indicating the value of open source and why you should be doing is important in shifting the culture
- Collaboration is highly valued/expected
- How is the new adoption open source and culture change within Microsoft shaping how you are interacting with existing open source competitors?
- Collaborating with other companies allows Microsoft to go faster and serve their customers better Any additional questions or comments about this presentation you may contact Jeff via email [email protected] Action item Jeff: any information you have on governance that you shared with the rules working group would be appreciated
To view this presentation please visit this link https://github.com/canada-ca/OS-Advisory_Conseil-SO/blob/master/en/Resources/Open_First_Whitepaper.md
- Been in draft for some time, want a final version of it
- Next steps/decisions
- Action item: review whitepaper, changes have been made
- In github the term “issues” means a discussion thread
- Open resource exchange pilot has started to harness who is using which open software and which government of Canada software has been released
- Business needs: Derived from the digital standards and stating the direction the government of Canada is taking
- What does that “avoiding application adherence” mean?
- Polite way of saying avoid vendor lock in
- Portability of content
- Correct term: Solution adhesion
Open Standards Open source software use
- Rely on many vendors, open markets to others
Risks and drawbacks
- Need a tool to enable you to do it
Best practices
- How can I procure open source software?
- Needs to be clarified
Open source software contribution Best practices
- How to choose which piece of software should be released
Open markets Risks and drawbacks
- We have the right to use open source software, can still use proprietary software though Action items: all working groups, look at different sections of the Whitepaper and look at what can be improved. This is the last time for your input. At the next meeting we would like this to be endorsed by the Open Source Advisory Board and to be presented at EARB in September
To view this presentation please visit this link https://github.com/canada-ca/OS-Advisory_Conseil-SO/blob/master/en/Resources/Open_Standards_OSS_GC.md
- Open solutions doesn’t point to open source software, GC needs clearly defined digital direction
- Open Source Advisory Board (OSAB) Members recommend
- GC use clear and consistent wording when referring to “open standards” and “open source software”
- Use open standards and open source software
- Avoid lock-in and seek independence and substitutability where open source software or open standards are available
- Use open standards and open source software
- We as the group (OSAB) endorse a clear and consistent language for open standards and open source software
- GC use clear and consistent wording when referring to “open standards” and “open source software”
- The OSAB puts forward recommendations to the Enterprise architectural Review Board (EARB)
- we will be going to EARB on September 13, 2018 with the whitepaper, open standards and open source software
- Maybe include free software in this recommendation
- Action item: Guillaume to send links to everyone with work he’s doing with justice: github page: Government of Canada Standard on Open Source Code Contribution (DRAFT)
- Prepare everything for next OSAB to be put forward at EARB in September to make it official
- Action item: People who do not have access to GC message (similar to Slack), let us know so that we can invite you to be a part of the conversation
- Meeting on a bi-weekly basis
- Set action items for the summer
- Redhat will be organizing a speaking day about open culture and organization
- Todd Wilson from BC DEVexchange to come and present for this event
- Legal team in Redhat can give a presentation to the rules working group about the legalities of open source
- Start tweeting/ open comms looking for open source projects, reaching out to vendors to see how they are working to do myth busting. Anyone is interested please let Richard or Chris know
- Looking to book the first open source community social for the GC
- How does this relate to Agora working group?
- Agora meetings are every second Friday: only for GC employees but may be opened up
- Open Day
- People working group can present at the next OSAB in August
- Action item: Do you have a list of champions and departments that can speak to this?
- If there is an opportunity for Noureen to invite Microsoft's Open Source developers to the event Chris referenced, I would be happy to advertise the event to them, please share more details with me
- Have a government backup for teleconference bridge
- Next tools working group will be about what tool we will be presenting
- There is a separate interoperability working group focusing on this
- Interoperability is also in the Whitepaper
- Pleased to get legal to enable open source
- Explore patent liability risk in more depth
- Robot Missions: Develop open source robots: hardware and software to help environment. Robots have been deployed on beaches to collect pollution
- Open source whitepaper to launch: how do we deal with government contractors?
- Has the date been selected yet for Open Source Day in September?
- We don't have a date yet, but we will let you know as soon as a date is decided
- 2 months ago the government of Canada approved the development an open source digital workspace: set up an open framework (like an app store) for digital services for employees, we’ve kicked off open source authentication adding open source projects, piece by piece. GC messenger is a part of this project
- Would like to do a presentation on this at the OSAB in the future
- At statistics Canada uses a lot of open source
- Where are the decisions going to be made vs open vs. prescriptive requirements
- This work is being done in the Rules Working Group
- Where is interoperability being discussed?
- There is a separate interoperability working group focusing on this
- Interoperability is also in the Whitepaper
- Pleased to get legal to enable open source
- Explore patent liability risk in more depth
- Robot Missions: Develop open source robots: hardware and software to help environment. Robots have been deployed on beaches to collect pollution
- Open source whitepaper to launch: how do we deal with government contractors?
- Has the date been selected yet for Open Source Day in September?
- We don’t have a date yet, but we will let you know as soon as a date it decided
- 2 months ago the government of Canada approved the development an open source digital workspace: set up an open framework (like an app store) for digital services for employees, we’ve kicked off open source authentication adding open source projects, piece by piece. GC messenger is a part of this project
- Would like to do a presentation on this at the OSAB in the future