December 19, 2018, 9am-10:30am
- Marc Brouillard
- Elizabeth Rhodenizer
- Felicia
- Mike Gifford
- Harsh Sabikhi
- Casper
- Gabriel Cossette
- Simon Gaston
- Will Stevens
- Jim Cowie
- Reg Maltais
- Dugald Topshee
- Frank Desormiere
- Dan Cooper
- Paul Jackson
- Sebastien Lemay
- Robin Galipeau
- Barry
- Fraser
- Ashley Casovan
- Mike Cardy
- John Campbell
- Dave Buchanan
- Janak Alford
- Fraser
- Ashley Casovan
- Owen Teo
- Mathieu Fortin
- Welcome
- Standard on Publishing and Using
- Update and discussion: Rules Working Group
- Update and Discussion: Tools Working Group
- Update and Discussion: People Working Group
- Roundtable
Link to draft requirement for open source use, contribution and creation and open standards:
To view the presentation, please go to the OSS Requirements for Use and Publishing Presentation
- Question:
- How do we implement OSS in conservative departments?
- Going to help new comers through OSAB
- Engage, communicate and work together
- How can new projects from the private sector be engaged with the Government of Canada's Github repo
- OSAB could be the sponsor to special projects that would be released
- Source code classification should be unclassified but there would be exceptions
- In the case of exceptions, algorithms will not be released because of safety, security etc.
- Namespaces management:
- needs an organizational structure
- IAM strategy
- Organize an internal repository for the Government of Canada to get started
- Identify a standard repository to get source code in one place
- Elizabeth: Agree to prioritize the internal repository but shops around town are not all at the same level of using open source.
- Will need training for everyone
- Raise awareness
- Elizabeth: question around on the timing:
- How are we going to help the departments who do not use or have OSS set up to ensure that they are successful?
- CSPS Digital Academy will have courses around devops and agile
- Data and guidelines
- How far will guidelines reach?
- I.e. Bilingualism in comments
- Current position is that comments in code is not to be included in translation
- Software documentation (e.g.: Readme, Security, installation files) should be bilingual
- Legal advice requested to confirm scope of law.
- Is a project considered communication to the public or work language, etc.
- Legal advice requested to confirm scope of law.
- Propose a quarterly refresh of documentation instead of a daily refresh.
- Guidelines to reflect future state
- Version control of data
- Mike Cardy setup advice and consultation with BC province for licences
- Marc: contributing:
- Support model
- How do we implement OSS in conservative departments?
- Rules WG Update:
- Create workflows around licences
- Namespace issue
- Data visualization
- Trying to get an understanding of what tools other departments are using
- Action item for the Tools WG to set-up the repo/tool and provide examples of which tools departments can use
- People WG Update:
- Infographics
- Digital Academy (looking at presentation for next OSAB)
- Hackathon
- Crowdsource language translation, fix broken links etc.
- Elizabeth: Would like to work with Chris on awareness
- Robin: Technical debt - Need to understand cost
- Paul: Need to contribute back "customization" otherwise you increase Technical debt
- TCO includes risk management/mitigation
- Share the Guidance on Secure development
- Prioritize Internal DVCS
- Assessment of Concept Cases, TB Submissions, MC
- Support around developers, security and organizations
- Direction on Namespaces and procurement needed
- Boilerplate documents
- Tools to automated lints and repos
- Compounded dependencies
- Suggestion to People WG: contributing in other ways than source code, like translating Github content.
- Checklist of risk consideration when choosing technology and TCO
- Mike Cardy: Total economical impact reports
- Meet with PSPC about acceptable OSS licences for the government of Canada to procure