February 20th, 2019
- Welcome
- Update on policies work
- OGP Summit Hackathon and update and discussion: People Working Group
- Update and discussion: Rules Working Group
- Update and discussion: Tools Working Group
- Roundtable
- Action Items
- Forward Agenda
- Jack Gulas, Co-chair, Yoppworks
- Mike Cardy, Redhat
- Al Akdari MongoDB
- Dan Cooper, TBS
- Ashley Casovan, TBS
- Stacey Williams, TBS
- Chris Jaja, TBS
- Marc Pageau, Oproma
- Dugald Topshee, Justice
- Noureen, Microsoft
- Robin Galipeau, OpenPlus
- Intel
- Alexandre, Justice
- StatsCan
- BC
- Jim Cowie, ESDC
- Directive on AI
- Procurement to support AI
- Release source code by default
- Updated Appendix C: Use on information technology
- Partnering with department of Justice, PSPC
- Policy, procurement and legislative gaps
- Identify and bring to the Rules working group
- Updating generic terms and conditions for procurement
- Procurement boilerplate template
- Can we put it on Github and start an issues queue?
- AI procurement
- Define what open companies are
- PSPC to map open source procurement
- Use the similar AI Procurement vehicle for future projects
To view this presentation, please consult our Issues page
- Legal aspect of using Open Source
- Procurement (Security)
- Reference architecture domains
- Secure dev/ops
- Use cases
- Case studies to present in the next few weeks
- Send out document, solving foundational issues (list). If you see anything that is missing, let us know
- Send out OECD playbook
- Provide your ideas to Mike Cardy,[email protected], about the OGP Summit Hackathon
- Find a room at TBS for the OGP Hackathon
- Connect Chris Jaja to the Tools WG about the GC Tools: Open and accessible digital workspace (use case)
- Procurement (invite someone from PSPC to speak) and AI Day
- How do I use these things?
- Presentation Redhat legal (Next month)