(EN)Making source code open and reusable : Manuel de service du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni expliquant que la création d'un nouveau code source doit être ouverte et quelles sont les exigences liées à cette pratique.
(EN)Government Digital Services (GDS) Operations open source - Guidelines : This document describes a set of rules and principles for publishing Open Source code that GDS explicitly intends to support.
(EN)11 barriers to coding in the open and how to overcome them : Blogue (en anglais) de Khidr Suleman, membre de l'équipe des Services numériques du gouvernement, qui traite des obstacles au codage en plein air et des moyens de les surmonter.
(EN)Security considerations when coding in the open : Document d'orientation du gouvernement britannique sur les considérations de sécurité pour le développement Open Source.
(EN)Working with open standards : Manuel de service du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni expliquant ce que sont les Normes ouvertes et comment les utiliser.
(EN)Why we use a ‘docs as code’ approach for technical documentation :
InnerSource : Is the concept of Open Source but within a particular department, agency, or a group of similar agencies. Denis Skinner mentioned there is difficulties in sharing and collaborating on internal projects. Just last week at GitHub Constellation in London, we had Lloyd's bank talk about their InnerSource journey that has led to building a community of collaboration internally within the bank.
CapitalOne's Dev Exchange: CapitalOne is a great example of a company who has successfully utilized GitHub for both internal development and external (open) development.
How Github uses GitHub: I believe you were interested in this. Late last year, we did a full series of webcasts on this topic. On our resources page, you find additional white papers, and videos.
Finally, Marc asked about secure development. From the question section "Concerning Github, what security measures are in place to provent mistakes? Two controls: no one can delete and there is a backup in cloud. Many controls like fork and branch to review the code before publishing it."
- https://bcdevexchange.org
- Open Resource Exchange
- UK government youtube video on sharing across ministeries
- https://www.cigionline.org/articles/governance-vacuums-and-how-code-becoming-law
- https://bigbluebutton.org/open-source-license/
- https://cloud.gov
- https://rocket.chat/
- https://gccollab.ca/
- GCCollab: Open Source Group
- GCMessage
- https://projects.eclipse.org/proposals/apogy
- https://www.amazon.ca/DevOps-Handbook-World-Class-Reliability-Organizations/dp/1942788002
- https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/accelerate-the-science-of-lean/9781942788331-item.html?ikwid=gene+kim&ikwsec=Home&ikwidx=2
- https://prague2013.drupal.org/session/not-invented-here-proudly-found-elsewhere-drupal-8-story.html
- https://events.drupal.org/nashville2018 & https://www.drupalgovcon.org/
- https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2018-toronto/welcome/
- https://opensource.microsoft.com/resources/office
- https://opensource.com/article/18/1/how-start-open-source-program-your-company
- https://opensource.guide
- https://opensource.google.com/docs/why/
- https://techfarhub.cio.gov/
- Check out the Open Source Software and Security Event happening on May 1 at http://www.csps-efpc.gc.ca/events/ossas/index-eng.aspx
- Drupal GovCon 2018 https://www.drupalgovcon.org/
- DrupalCamp Montreal 2018 http://drupalcampmontreal.com/en